I often think of time and fate and the choices we make. I keep coming back to James Dean. Every single choice he made on his last day (September 30, 1955) unwittingly led to his death. Every pause to smoke, the decision to test-drive the car before the race, even getting stopped for speeding, all led to the long march at that fatal intersection.

Donald Turnupseed
If he had done anything differently that day, might he have survived? might he have gotten to that intersection earlier or later, and never collided with Donald Turnupseed?

So, the next time you're late for work, or you miss a flight, instead of getting upset, think of James Dean. You may have just saved your own life.
@firepower I send you good vibes, and well wishes. Now stay the hell off that motorcycle friend! :) Ever thought of taking up gardening? maybe stay in and watch golf instead, I hear that can be soothing. lol
Two weeks before he died (at 24) Dean filmed a PSA about the dangers of speeding, I include it below.