What a weird, busy and wonderful Sunday it has been in the countryside, you wanna hear about it? No, okay, I'm gonna tell you anyways because I like the sound of my own voice.
I woke up early, around 7am to take my Sunday Polaroids because I knew I had to be social for the day and I would have no time to be alone after the morning. And I was right.
After the pictures I bundled up in a wool knit and headed to breakfast downstairs. The rest of the family had just left for work and I stayed home with out guest. We spend the morning looking at airplanes in the radar he set for us, that was weirdly entertaining!
We spend a few hours just chilling, talking about tech a little and just random things. Right around noon we made a shift change with mom and I went for some manual labour for once! I definitely needed that because these days I spend soooo much time hunched over a laptop. We were working on a peat bog with dad and little bro for a few hours, while mom and our guest went to meet relatives. Once I got my part done in the bog, covered head to toe with peat, I hurried back home to cook us all dinner.
I made a simple ground beef sauce, pasta and a hefty salad, while everyone was arriving home for once at the same time! I don't remember when we had a dinner with this many people sitting around the same table at the same time. It was really good and fun, we chatted about our day and ate.
I has promised my grandma the day before that I'd visit, so right after dinner I went for a coffee to her house. Hadn't seen her in a while so we chatted for a good few hours. She had better coffee than we have at homehome, the place of tea drinkers. She also had some cake for me. As I have a sweet tooth, when I got home, mom was just putting a pannukakku (pancake in English, but it's not quite the same thing) in the oven and we had that with fresh berries she and our guest had just picked up while I was at grandmas house.
We had some evening tea and pancake, and three of us were with our laptops at the same time. I was going through my best nature pictures from the past year with mom, because she hinted at me that the annual Christmas newspaper is in need of pictures. I made a folder for her to submit in my behalf for the paper, so if I'm lucky, I could get something published in a real paper. It's not really a big deal, this is a tiny town, but still, would be cool! I'll definitely let you know if that happens.
My brother heated the sauna for us, third day in a row, so we could get rid of the peat and sweat, and relax after a good day. I had so much fun but I am quite exhausted now for all the socialising and running around. I'm a little sad that I didn't have time to take pictures today, other than these two phone snaps, and some in the peat bog, but those are for my dad for possible business purposes. I won't have more time to take pictures here this time, because tomorrow I'm heading back to the city, first thing in the morning. I think we are running some errands with mom, so more socialising ahead!
I've been basically cleaning all day in addition to Steeming. We'll be having guests over on Tuesday. We've been cleaning more thoroughly than usual. We hadn't cleaned the shower cabin in the bathroom upstairs since we moved in because we hadn't used it. It was about time. A once-over wasn't enough and I had to use a scouring powder.
You’ve had a productive day as well I see! :)
What a lovely Sunday you had. I love the way you told this story, although... since you mentioned, you like the sound of your own voice... it would have been nice to hear you telling it. In a video.. or at least a recording. Or you could call me on my new i-scream phone! 🍌
You describe your cooking and the meals in a way, that I always get hungry right away. Which is unusual at this time of the day, as I only drink coffee (!) before noon.
Wishing you a wonderful week! 🌻
I’m far too shy to do anything that involves me speaking on record, and I hate phonecalls!
Haha, I think it’s just your schedule making you hungry, not my cookings 😝
Have a great week too! Take the Rocket out before it’s winter again!
Haha.. I can relate to that. Did that video for Banana Program yesterday and it felt super strange to sit in front of (my own) camera 😜
Interesting that you don't seem to mind taking pictures of you. Not that I mind anyways, hehe 😎
Not so sure if its the schedule, as most of the time I go through your posts late at night 😳
I have to check it out later when I’m not out and about!
Haha... just saw that there is a recording of your post in the comments. I hve to say, that I imagined your voice a lot different 🤡
Yeah I know, it always surprises people! Somehow it sounds differen inside my head 😝
I did a little scout for mushrooms in the nearby forest and made a little stew for myself from the edible ones. My father's girlfriend was visiting us too and brought some chicken and zucchini for me to prepare in a barbeque, with some necessary sausage of course, and salads.
So, a combination of activity and grill & chill, healthy balance that I find very suitable.
Superb, just like mine was, a good amount of activity and food with good people.
Oh dear, it's over 30C here and just seeing you in that sweater makes me dizzy. I can't bear anything that covers more than a tiny bit of my shoulder these days!
I love your napkins, they're so cute <3
Sounds like you had a fun Sunday. Mine was chill, out with my cousin and then off to a concert in the park, which was fun! Have a great week, Eve!
I would love a hot weather like that! I hate the cold. The cute napkins are the finnish flag 😁
Oh, I know it's the Finnish flag! I've just never seen napkins with it :D
I had a really lazy Sunday, just sat around, fiddled with my Raspberry Pis and played Elite: Dangerous.
Sad to say but at my age, I was still recovering from Friday night... oh and it poured with rain all day, so thats the other 50% of my excuse.
I touched a Raspberry pi yesterday too, still don’t know other than it’s a small computer. But cool I guess! What did you so with yours? It takes me two days of recovery too if I go drinking...
Pis and other SBC (Single Board Computers) can be a lot of fun. The main focus on mine is using them to run block-chains for the specific cryptos that I favour. STEEM is not possible because to be a witness you need some pretty heavy hardware, but most Proof of Stake coins can run on those little devices with ease. I run 4 cryptos on my Rock64 and was having a little trouble with it yesterday as its a bit loaded up, so I was moving all the chain data to an external hard drive.
The idle resources go towards BOINC, which if you didnt know is a way to subscribe your spare computer power to doing scientific research like searching for cures to cancers (any computer, even a Mac!). Its easy to setup, there is even a specific crypto that rewards you for doing it; #gridcoin.
I also do little bits of programming on the Pis in Python, which is a fairly easy language to use, even for a dope like me, though I wasnt doing anything so taxing yesterday!
Sunday always start as being about family and relaxing but ends up being busy and socializing!
But it’s good isn’t it? :)
Thanks for sharing, the post entertained me a lot, it hurts that you did not take more photos. Regards and my respects my support with my vote.
"I like the sound of my own voice."
I can relate to this.
"She also had some cake for me. As I have a sweet tooth, when I got home, mom was just putting a pannukakku (pancake in English, but it's not quite the same thing) in the oven"
Now you are clearly conspiring with chocolate in my fridge to make me fat. Not today.😝
I had a busy Sunday, but far from physical. I spent almost the whole day in front of the laptop, finishing the final exam for an online course I took for too long :D . I was physically there for family time, but like a furniture, as I barely moved while the rest were bonding over meals and movies. Hahaha! Cheers to a new week!
What was is about and do you think you did good on it? When I sit on my computer, I mostly waste time 😬
I learned basic comp sci & programming. I did pretty well in the end, but my pace was very slow, LOL. My mind had been away from the idea of schooling for way too long!
And who doesn't waste time on a computer these days? :D