Sitting in a bus on my way to Hellsinki. Apparently they don’t do A/C in here and it’s so damn hot, I’m melting. I don’t usually mind hot if I can choose where I am when it is so hot, like close to a pool or lake. But not a fan of being stuck on a hot bus for hours, let alone on these nasty pleather seats that stick to sweaty skin.
So glad I wore a light summer dress so I can fan it around to cool my cooch.
Can you guess whether I’m wearing underwear or not?
Sorry to disappoint, I have panties on!
Risky click of the workday.
The goverment will understand.
Probably better to go commando ina scenario like that!
Hold my sweaty underwear
Much better!
Ooooohhoooooo I found you hotter then hell
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giggle, we all know by now that you are hotter than hell 🔥
Time for some personal questions...On the topic of clothing. Would you choose to wear:

The stages of being a boring skank with not even half a brain. So no, I would not wear any of those.
Is halloween not popular in Finland? During that time quite a few of my facebook friends are posting photos with costumes. So I guess that this masquerade thing has reached Lithuania.
Not really, some people do it. But liking halloween doen’t mean you have to look like those girls.
No disappointment here... You have to leave some to the imagination :)
But it's reall shitty when it's so hot and there is no cooling down....
Stay strong !!! :)
I survived with some boob sweat and ass sweat, sexey stuff I tell ya!
A that's good news, wouldn't want to get the message you melted away in that bus of course !!!
Boob and ass sweat.... Sounds exciting hahaha :P
Take a rest in bathroom
Half you been in a bus bathroom ever....?
Wait, you took this pictures on the bus... I can only imagine what the rest of the people thought :P
Nice revealing clicks but still.not revealed much. As you said is absolutely correct that you are hotter than hell. Soookko hotttttt
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