Not the last post but the last workday before Christmas! It’s 6am in here and I only slept for couple of hours, see how cheery and motivated I look!
I’m so done with work and ready for relaxing! Can’t wait to have time to shoot something cool for you guys and not be in a huge hurry to work or sleep. I’ll be in the countyside for about five days so if you like nature and/or abandoned buildings, I think I got you covered!
And don’t worry, there will always be some cheekyness too ;)
It's difficult to explain why, but I really, really like this photo. Sexy and dangerous is fantastic, but honest beauty takes more guts in some ways.
Thank you so much☺️ You set the bar very high for this day.
Happy holidays. Are you Asian? Because you got that squinty eyes?
Hahahaha you guys are on a roll today! No, I’m not Asian, I’m as white as one can be😅
Sorry then ❤️
But some people say we are the asians of Europe :D
I’ve never heard that before! Should we take it as a compliment?
Really? :D I think they mean that we are smart.. I hope :D
I'm a bah humbug type of dude... But I am looking forward to taking a break.
Your photo has been good. And great looking enhances the beauty of the picture.
How nice for you!
I still have two more days, not counting today.. :P
Also, this is the sexiest picture from you yet!
Have hope, it’ll go by fast!
Haa, now you are just teasing me, no more bootypics for you!
You are the teas! I need those pics! :D
1 more day left here ! ^^ Then I have 4 day minivacation, it's not much but it's something !
I got some more time to be creative now too, with the semester ending. I have high hopes for the abandoned buildings, I think they show promise.
That’s fantastic, I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with next ☺️
What a beautiful young lady :)) Enjoy your free time !
What hour is at you right now, 6 am? Omg, you have worked really much, go get some sleep and enjoy the holiday, you deserve it!
That looks good on you.
I look a little bit like that if I smoke some herb at 6am ! :D
I'm just gonna have some quality time with our dog, gonna meet the family for just Xmas Eve((uncovered), haha smart one huh?)) and spend one night with them and head back to home ! I'm not really into this xmas thing.. :( But I can stay at home alone, so I got that going for me, which is nice! :P
You could look worse.
I often do!
I find that hard to believe based on the evidence you have provided us.
Every chef I know in this town is a confident cocky asshole - and I love them dearly for it.
I also know how hard it is to work in a production kitchen - you deserve the time off.
< sends back something to get refired >
cursing ensues
You even hold a aura of beauty tired and in works clothes! Ironically I've come into the city for Xmas and am missing the freedom of the country.... were the hill gone? Have a wonderful break !