That is a bit of a clickbait title there, I'm sorry, I'm not sick or anything like that, just a little weakling. I used to never be sick, I never felt hunger or weakness of the body. I might look fragile but I was very resilient, no broken bones, no back problems, and no headaches or temper tantrums because of lack of sleep and food.
It’s a different story these days.
I think my body was on high alert for years and running on mainly adrenaline. I am afraid I might have used up all those reserves because I feel a lot weaker these days than I have ever before. My mother used to wonder what me and my sister run on, just fumes or like we say in Finland “on holy spirit”. And I guess that is what we did. I used to just snack something and sleep at odd times, usually a few hours at a time, and I felt fine even if I went a few days without really eating much of anything. I used to work for 8(or more) hours straight on manual labour without even once sitting down, and I was fine.
I am shocked that I need water, sleep and food regularly, like what the fuck is this shit, this is all new to me.
I'm still getting the hang of this full time Steemian life, and the fact that I am mostly my own master, and I don't have to feel stressed all the time. Even though the crypto currency world is highly volatile and unpredictable, I don't feel as nearly as stressed when I used to when having a regular job. I think my body has realised it doesn't have to perform some miracles anymore and thus, I have to take better care of it to make it work for me.
Even when I sleep a good eight hours, and have proper meals, it only takes a couple of hours when I feel hungry again. This is bullshit. We hang out and travel with @escapist quit a lot and she has noticed my weakening stage and often has a chocolate bar for me in her bag, or asks me if I remembered to pack sweets and water with me so I won’t start getting temper tantrums. Yes, I am a three-year-old these days…
If i ever will get kids, at least i’ve trained! 😂 ps, did you remembered to drink and eat today?
Hahaha yeah you'll be a pro by the time you get kids! 😅 Yes mommy, I'm eating a rye bread sandwich with eggsies, and kiwis for breakfast!
Good:) no tantrums coming up then ^^
i had a 45 minute nap after being awake from 9am to 8am and now i look over at the clock, and realise its 12am again.... where the hell did the last 10 hrs go :(naaaaw, that is adorable. i need me one of these @escapist 's in my life.
and now i have the niggle.... did i eat?
checks kitchen to see if there are dirty dishes
trots back yes.. it would appear i had ramen.
though gaugaing at how crispy they were, it may have been the day before.
i dont know anymore
.... You definitely need one in your life... :D
You're 25 or something? You are no longer 18. What you described comes with the territory.
I'm older than that. The change is not something that has happened in a few years, more in like six months.
Vanhuus ei too yksin! 😭
That's rapid change. Also, it seems to coincide with your becoming a full-time Steemian. I think you're right about what may be happening: you becoming more relaxed. Your body is telling you to slow down for nourishment and rest.
You're getting old like the rest of us. Enjoy it!
I don't wanna grow old!
celestal's anti-aging tip number x:
Don't stress – chronically that is, it ages you faster.
Also, sleep, but you should know to do that already, your a grown up by now... Nevermind, I just read the end of your post.
Maybe I should offer my services in Steemgigs: "Hire me to remind you not to suck at life."
after some drama's 2 months ago, i been living off ramen since april.
my food expenditure is limited to $16 /week@celestal - i think that would actually be a thing.
remind me daily pl0x :P
pony out
If @ranchorelaxo just gave you the $100 instead to @haejin (himself?)... Well, if you have some woods nearby you can always pick up some berries and mushrooms closer to autumn. You could also try dumpster diving, obviously you do that at your own risk, but if you're careful and know what you're doing, you can potentially pick up some good stuff.
yeah. i miss Melbourne. used to get some awesome stuff. alas, they're a little more stricked here, and lock their dumpsters :(
in Melbourne, they used to donate all the unsold pies / pasties / sausage rolls / sandwiches from the service stations, to the local charity, who would distrubute them to the homeless each night.
Change is the rule of nature and body. As your age passes things will change.
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Diabetes? Gravidity? Leucemia? Cancer?
B-Symptoms = weight loss? fever? Night Sweats?
Heart disease?
Check it.
Good luck.
Yes, probably all of the above, thanks WebMD!
I hope I never get this I like being a terminator sometimes I’m sure it’ll return to you soonish :’(
Our body system and physical makeup may not always be in a state of balance. Overtime, some people feel weaker or less able to do the things they use to do. We have to develop the mental strenght to fight this feeling. That is where the way begins. If you are able to muster that courage, you begin to feel on top of the situation. And when tou adapt to your body's current status, you will feel better definitely. Take care and try to feed well too. If seeing a health expert makes sense, then why not. Just do whatever is necessary to stay on top of the situation, other you will be mentally drained and that us the beginning of a downward trend.
"I'm gonna go eat breakfast now, even though I only want coffee, hmph!"
sneaks in. hides pea under the pillows and goes away
Gimme more, I like peas!!
Only the first bite is free😝
if i hada dollar for every time i heard THAT one ;)
Hello! We feel weaker because we work too hard and 'run' to keep up with these chaotic times. Have a great day!
Evie, you are a very attractive woman and will be for a long time. You are not so busy now so you think about food more often, it is sometimes just boredom, maybe?
Age can play a role in this. But also as your lifestyle changed - it can be an hormonal fluctuation.
It happens a lot with older people, when they retire - as the lack of constant stress make severe changes in their metabolism - that at later ages are harder to cope with and might cause the onset of heart and other chronic conditions.
Just keep being active and it will all normalise soon enough!
They don’t make bodies like they used to hey, shit always needs to be serviced and maintained and it’s costly! Eating, cutting your hair, the dentist does it ever end?
Vähemmän mäkkiä ja take awaytä enemmän setäruokaa ja lihan kuritusta ja riippumattoa.

Edit: Kokkaajan kuva oli niin kuuma että piti sensuroida.
Höh, mä missasin sen!
there is such a thing as adrenal fatigue, there are some pretty great supplements you can take.
Haahaa, you're old... xD On a sidenote, that's what you get when you burn out. It'll buff out eventually :P Koitappa jaksaa, hönöenergiaa vähä sinne!
Lay off the carbs and get some protein in babe.
But carbs taste good!
Meat AND carbs taste even better.