A lot of people, girls mostly, like to post sexy selfies on social media, but often are quite ashamed of it. Posting selfies of you feeling yourself on the gym or bathroom mirror is often looked at as vain, selfish and half-witted behavior, something you shouldn’t do.
I know a lot of people post a selfie, get the attention they felt they needed at that moment, and delete it after. The image didn’t loose its effect or the person suddenly turned ugly, but there is something people are afraid of leaving on record for longer time. Sometimes it might be because of what someone commented about it, but I think more often it’s the fear of what someone might say or even think of it.
Posting a selfie you like and then taking it down is like a quick fix of attention you later regret. I think it’s quite foolish behavior and if you initially liked the picture and wanted to show off that positive energy you are feeling inside you, there is no need to be ashamed of it. There is absolutely nothing wrong about loving yourself and showing to people that you are proud of yourself. No matter if it’s your bum in tight gym clothes or your naked curves.
People will forever and always judge each other, it’s in out nature and there is nothing to be done about it. You just have to deal with it. Nobody can make you feel ashamed of yourself if you yourself are in good terms with your inner workings.
I am not ashamed of what I do and what I am. There is no reason for it. I’m not ashamed of my body or showing it off. I’m not ashamed of feeling damn fine about what my body looks like and how I portray myself in my self portraits.
These thoughts are brought to you from a coffee shop where I sat for an hour and a half working on the pictures I took yesterday. They are quite sexy and I don’t mind if someone sneaked in a glance of the screen while walking past. I’m gonna publish them for all of internet to see anyways, be on the lookout for that later today.
There are billions of people on the planet at this very moment who are totally freaked out about nudity art sex selfies bodies etc. They're using some weird morality they were taught to justify their shit as if they are "right" and there's tons of them here too on steemit. It's boring as hell.
Well there's a lil rant ... Whew
Keep being you. I love it!
I'm the guy at the window pretending to read the (unopened) menu 😃
And I am the guy that is keeping his fingers crossed while walking up to her to ask her if she wants to stand in front of my lens :)
Hmm, given enough alcohol and a dare from my mates and I'd throw some of myself up...
Not really. That would be some frightening shit. 😂
this is what I call ATTITUDE! thumbs up!
DO YOU, No one can do it better!
Its hard for people to be original and them selfs these days!
Tell the lurkers to join steemit and they can see a lot more. ;-)
Provide them with a referral link to steem.ninja and you get to benefit as well...
Njääh, not before @steemonboarding is in full swing and I don't have to give a five hour lesson about Steemit to everyone.
Forget about the lesson.
Just tell them ... if they want to see you Uncovered, then they'll need to figure it out on their own ...
You know I love you and what you do and the fact that You also talk openly about it. The more natural we can make people look at the human body the better it will be in the long run. And you for sure are doing a huge part in this "battle" 😁
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you smooch for the encouragements Sergio :)
giggle what a nice working environment 😋
The venue yes, but it was too peopley in there.
I agree selfies are rather narcissistic in my view! Where are carefully crafted and though about shot's like yours can be consider artistic 💯🐒