
in #life7 years ago (edited)


I was doing some much needed plant care and snapped a couple pictures along the way. The cold and dark winter has been claiming some victims, mostly just an odd fallen leaf here and there, but I did loose a fern and one ivy completely. Fortunately the worst time should be behind us, and I'm eagerly waiting to see how my plants start to grow more and more during the spring.


This trio above is very precious. I extracted the Bromeliad pup from it's mother (see picture below) and it has been doing really well, my sister has it's little bro and there is one more pup on the way. The avocado in the middle I grew from the seed and I really hope it grows as tall as the one I gave to my mother, it's already taller than me. The one on the right is Madagascar Jewel and it's very resilient, it blooms easily and it's very fast to grow more from the seeds it bursts out. It did drop almost all of it's leaves earlier in the winter but that is completely normal and it's already growing more.



I don't actually even know what half of my plants are called but who cares about that anyway!





Eve needs her garden so I'm trying to make my little apartment into a jungle and this is only about two thirds of all my plants :P


The one next to the monitor/ tv is my favorite, looks awesome

you're gonna run out of oxygen, woman.

So you have no idea what plants do for the world. I'm worried for the humanity.

Is that the other way around, darn

respiration, humour, irony, anyone, noone, aight..

for upvote friends.. ;)

Your post reminds me that I've just killed my the only plant and feel remorse. I went to Italy for xmas holidays. That took me more than 2 weeks. You know... In the south families are big, they prepare too much food and there're too many places to visit... So yeah, I needed that time. But my plant paid for that cruelly. :(

I'm sorry for your plant! :( That reminds me to get my plants a babysitter before I go to holiday soon-ish!

Definitely, do that!

When I was younger I used to sleep in a room full of plants at my grandmother and it was awesome. Then I have moved to another town where I studied and I have tried to grow plants, but I was not that lucky. At first I've tried to rescue an orchid which was almost dead. It recovered then lived for a year, but then it died one night when it got too cold (in a late summer night) in the room where I left it with the window opened. I got sad, but then I've tried again with a Japanese rose. It took me a while to help it grow, and I was proud of it, but last week when I moved to another apartment, I did not took it with me. I hope that my next plant will be more lucky than that.

It is reallly nice to see that you are taking care of plants, even if not all of them like the same temperature, humidity and light (especially durning the winter when there is so few light). I bet that you are proud of your plants :)

I believe that there is strength in numbers and the plants like it when they have play mates :P It's not easy to take care of plants but I've been trying to learn more about their individual needs in the past couple of years and magically it's paying of :D

I can give you some recommendations of easy plants that should do really well with minimal care. Zz plant being on top of the list, a horticulturist once told me that you could put it in a dark closet and it would still thrive xD

I've never heard of it, but after a search on Google, it seems that you are right, and it is not even ugly :)) I really consider getting another plant anyway, so a few recommendations wouldn't hurt :)

They are very nice too. He's too dim:))

Very nice "green fingers" eve :)

Thank you :)

this is great loved the photos

Spot on Eve my mission too. I post just after Xmas my new editions to get started. I don't want to buy any more just cuttings. Once warmer weather comes I be on a cutting mission. I love you plant family makes a place much more comfortable :)

I miss stavros my cheese plant. He was from a cutting of one my dad had a uni. When I went travelling I have to abandon him and due to his size no one would take him on. From what a gather hes somewhere on a coastal path in Cornwall these day. Who knows! 💯🐒

I love plants!! It makes the home feel so cozy! Definitely wanna curl up in your place with a good book, haha! <3

Awww! :)

Definitely house is not a home without plants!

I can give you some plants if you wanna take care of them? They give your apartment some sweet scent from Jamaica ;)

Haha, I've heard they are pretty hard to grow :P

Not really, the blooming part is a little more challenging but you don't have to start the blooming. You can keep it in a vegetative state and enjoy the beautiful green plant! :)

Plants make a room SO MUCH better. Looks like you've got some really cool ones! I have about 10 plants in my office and always looking for spots to add more :)

Oh, that's pretty cool that you've gotten plants to your office! But it makes sense because obviously you spent a lot of time there.

Hopefully not for long ;)

But yeah, I originally bought a couple clean air plants to help get rid of any air contaminants.. Now it has progressed into a micro-jungle

Buying the dip I assume ;)

Getting lucky!

Fractal Tree Generator

My stop-gap solution to having no plants. Its fun to mess with, anyway.