Showing some plant love over here today.
I was watering my plants earlier today, before leaving to the countryside, and noticed many of my plants have started to grow a little as they have gotten a little more sun. It's still very much a winter in Finland, and will be for couple months more, but the days are growing longer pretty fast and plants love it.
It's always exciting to see those new pale green leaves sprouting and showing you that you have done something right with your plant care, which I'm definitely no expert in, even though I love having a lot of plants in my home.
In the first picture I have an avocado I planted myself at the end of last summer, I can't wait to see how big it grows. I gifted my mom an avocado plant couple years ago and that one is taller than me now!
What I'm most excited to see is that Monstera leaf unfurling, it's the first new leaf it has made under my care, because I only bought the plant about six months ago. It actually has a sibling too, which is showing little signs of new growth too.
I feel like I come more alive at the same pace my plants do, the more daylight and sun we see, the more cheerful we get.
PS. I'm keeping it super chill today, because I've been doing nothing but work on pictures for the last few days, and I'm spending time with my family tonight.
Can't get here soon enough! Winter is no fun :(
Winter is here!
Thanks eve. Really enjoyed this one.
You have many indoor plants
You really do have a unique eye for photography, Eve!
Thank you very much :)
Planting a tree is a long lasting venture. How well this speculation develops relies upon the kind of tree chose and the planting area, the care gave amid planting, and the subsequent care in the wake of planting. Getting your new tree off to a sound begin will enable the tree to develop to its full size and guarantees it will give natural, monetary, and social advantages all through its lifetime..thanks for the post sir.
Very nic post.
Nice garadning skills..
Plants are beautiful gift given by god to us..
Love them is equal to loving god..
It seems like you have really skilful hands:P
I do, but in other areas of life.
what was the best compliment you've ever received?
Taking care of plants and watching them constantly is very fun, as you plant lovers, you are great.@eveuncovered
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack, I think I see your reflection in one of the leaves, good healthy looking plants !
even though winter is still a long time, the park you still look lush, you're pretty good taking care of plants.
& brilliant!
Wow! It looks like you really know your stuff. Me and @williamwest have a lot of plants at home. Unfortunately, our plants always die... We water them and have a lot of fertilizers but still, DEAD. 😅
Do you have any recommendations for us newbies how to take care of plants? 🌷
Anyways, if you are into traveling, self-development or pole-dance, feel free to check out my channel! Otherwise, have a nice day. HUGS 💛
I think the problem might actually be that you are trying to do too much, you are suffocating them with too much love! 😁
Spring is favourite season.
Very nice post really good job @eveuncovered
Really nice this plant, and i appreciate this gardening.
keep it up dear friend..
I love the spring the most, at this time not hot or cold. Mild hot light feels very good in winter.
New flowers on the tree makes the heart rejoice. Looks good
The spring's cuckoo's mail stirred the mind more.
From the deep thoughts of the mind In all, Spring is the favorite season for everyone.
Nice updete
We have plants all over our house! Mostly cacti but maybe we should get a avocado plant and see how big it will grow! Just now we are going lettuce from the stocks of old ones!
I’d really love having a big cactus, I only have tiny ones. Have you tried growing cellery from the old stock? It grows super fast!
I havent tried celery yet but I will when I use celery to cook again!
I understand you perfectly! My plants on the window are also pleased with the sun, and added in growth! Despite the fact that I'm a worthless florist)
Did you buy an avocado plant seedling, or did you just plant the pit from an avocado that you ate?
I planted the pit, probably from an avocado that was unedible like most of them are 😂
You... don't... like... avocados?
Is guacamole not a thing in Finland?
Seriously though, it's so fun when you can plant the seed from something you ate and get more food. It's kind of funny how we forget that so much of this stuff just grows for free if you give it water and soil.
Most avocados sold in Finland are raw and we Finns are really poor at recognizing edible avocados.
I'm not great at it either. That's why I leave the important task of avocado selection to my wife or the professionals at Mexican restaurants.
I do! But you know the deal with avocados, it's hard to know which ones are just ripe enough before you actually cut it open!
Most of us have distanced ourselves from how the nature works and where food really comes from.
Spring coming?? I wish it was the same here... Thanks for your photos
Great stuff! Lovely edits too, editing training is paying off! We totally need an Avocado tree, my wife and I eat so many of them but they are so expensive!
Lol, hardly did anything on these, and definitely didn't use Lightroom!
You need two grow a tree, save a couple pits and throw them in water for a month and then put in soil. Though I think it would be near impossible to get that tree to bear fruit.
Wait a tree with no fruit! That would be terrible! The fruits the best bit!
Very beautiful photography. I'm looking forward to the warmer weather myself!
Ok, so now I’m gonna be waiting for your post in about 9 months time....
.....wait for it.... 😉
Because (although the ‘final series’ will be over), it will still be the case that ‘Winter is coming [Jon Snow]!’
For a second there I thought I was pregnant! 😱 Immaculate conseption!
Have they already announced when the final season comes out?
I’m starting to wonder if you are even a bigger tease than I am🤔
Thanks for showing us your houseplants! I have never had success growing an avocado plant. I always have to throw out the seed in the end. I wonder what I am doing wrong!
I know most people keep theirs in the water for a very long time, until there is a long root, but I put mine in the soil earlier, that seems to have been working for me.
'Love for Greenery' pitch. Hope to contribute too on caring for our environment.Plant love is in! You're a natural horticulturist, @eveuncovered. Here's my
Your week end is good so enjoying
I go away for an extended time and come back to find you have quit your job. Does this mean a tattoo modification is required? Maybe a red circle around the tattoo with a line through it? I've been watching the Olympics and, each time a Finnish competitor appears, I think of your growing plants. Well, maybe I think of you, but your plants are cool too.
The start of that comment sounded a little like a disappointed father. I think my tattoo is still valid, I SHOULD be in the kitchen, but I'm not, at least not as much.
How are the Finns doing? I don't really follow sports, or the news.
They are doing okay, but the Netherlands and Norwegians are kicking arse. I'm not disappointed, just spending alot of time imagining you on skis and being politically correct during interviews. Saying things like "I am here to represent my country and to further expand my skill set." OK, that's a lie, I imagine you saying "I'm only here for the after party."
Nature is fascinating, the way leaves are folded into a small space and then unfurl and grow has provided inspiration for architecture and scientific studies.
Plant Science - Optimal Packing - Phyllotactic Patterns
Nature - Spring Orgami
That reminds me that I should do a time-lapse of my Calanthea plant that moves a lot in 24 hours. It has huge leaves that open up in the morning and withdraw at night. Sometimes I can hear when a leave makes a little flop sound when it goes to sleep, it's very fascinating.
spring is growing season at all over the world
The best moment of the year is when you realize Winter is over... I'm envious of your gardening skills, I turned my bamboo yellow :(
Nature, precious in itself, follows its evolution through the cycles of each year. Nice post ...
i like your post
La photo de l'avocat m'a rappelé que l'été dernier j'ai un noyau d'avocat qui a germé sur le compost de mon jardin. Je l'ai rempoté à l'automne et mis à l'intérieur. Est-ce le rempotage où la fraicheur de la pièce mais le pauvre avocat n'a pas supporté et il a crevé.
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very good photos I congratulate you!