Each culture has a particular way of dressing, derived from its history and culture. For example, that men wear pollera in some parts of the world is unthinkable, but in Scotland it is something totally natural and even is synonymous with formality and presence
Uruguay: Poncho
It is designed to protect the people who work in the fields. It is a blanket with a hole in the center, through which the head passes.
Japan: Kimono
They are available in various shades and colors. It is a traditional garment in Japan, which covers the body in an enveloping manner.
Scotland: Kilt
Although in our country it may sound funny, in Scotland the male pollera is used on special occasions as it denotes formality and presence.
Afganistan: Burka
The Muslim tradition indicates that women should cover themselves completely, leaving only their eyes uncovered.
México: Huipil
It is decorated, generally, with colorful motifs and cute embroidery. It is characteristic in many cities of Mexico.
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Love poncho and kimono