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RE: You are a story

in #life7 years ago

A great post and your English is really good, no one would know this is not your native language!

I love this quote:

For Quotes.png
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

And also your comments:

Your identity will always be influenced by the world around you, sometimes without even realizing it.
But never let the story narrate itself, because you’ll be more likely to end up with a story you might not want.

Words so true and wise, we can all be swept away by life and suddenly wake up and find we're not where we had intended to go and not the person we had intended to be!


Thank you very much!
I really appreciate it, coming from you!
Because I see that you are here to be You, to discover yourself, so I know that what you say it's the honest true.
Although I'm young, I've already spent 1/3 of my life thinking, meditating, reading books, and trying to discover me and the world around me. From everything I've learned I know just one thing for sure: Be yourself, man, discover yourself, create yourself, or you will hate yourself for the rest of your life if you don't do it because society tells you no.
Obviously everything should be done within reasonable limits. But not the ones imposed by society.
Good luck in your journey, my friend!
May the liberation and joy of it be with you at all times!!!

You're welcome and you are very wise for your years!

I feel your joy for life comes from feeling loved by your family and having such a close connection with them.

Something I have read about and watched through my work is the impact of love on people and the damage that lack of love does. Babies and children who have grown up in environments where they haven't been loved have such a huge emotional disadvantage and spend their whole lives seeking and searching for something that has been missing and that missing ingredient is 'love'.

So sad that everyone isn't just loved from birth for just being who they are.

Keep spreading your joy and optimism as the world needs it, especially those who have lacked love in their lives! :)