The day started well.
I received a text from my mom telling me she had good nights rest and eat two biscuits with an egg.
She also has less pain.
Friday afternoon looks to be a go, to pick her up from the hospital.
But then the day got worse....
The boss is nervous.
Guests are coming to our house this weekend and it's not clean enough.
I have learned not to fight this urge she has and just go with it.
It's a Brazilian thing. They are very neat.
So for 3 hours I cleaned the kitchen, living room, my office and hallway to the best of my abilities while Bianca was upstairs preparing the guestroom.
It's like the king and queen of England are coming for a visit.
I send Ezzy a text telling him what was going on and he said...'well don't do it for me, just get me a matress and some sheets without spunk stains and I'm happy'.
We laughed. I know....Men...such simples creatures.
He then told me that Rea spent some time cleaning the house too when we went there.
It seems this behavior transcends cultures.
When Bianca came downstairs my work was approved and I was looking for some rest but I could get none.
The car needed a cleaning!
"We can't pick them up in a dirty car."
So off I went to the car wash.
Driving there I actually realized it was not too bad.
Because in the Netherlands we have carwashes were girls wash your car by hand.
I'm lying we have none of those things. But it was great none the less because I didn't have to do anything for an hour.
This what it looks like.
I sat in the shop while sipping coffee and relaxing while my car got the VIP treatment. A wax and a total cleaning inside of the car.
Looks perfect to me. I drive a Second-Hand ford focus btw. It gets the job done. It's the second car I ever owned. The first time I got a car for myself I was 27.
When I got home I was more relaxed. I called Bianca because we had to get a surprise something for Ezzy.
When she saw the car she was very happy!
Tonight we finished everything together and are now ready to receive our beloved guests.
All joking aside. I am truly looking forward to seeing them again. They are awesome people.
Bianca and I are going to chill now. Open a bottle of red and watch something nice.
We deserve it.
Cool and funny.
Thanks for sharing
Always fun to read.
Totally feel your pain. We host Thanksgiving for give or take 20 people, this year looks like it will be more. Each year I spend no less then 8 hours cleaning house to keep the Wife happy.
Everyone that comes is family, they know what our house looks like on a normal basis...why stress about it? But she me it's not a Brazilian thing.
Anyways this year I decided to get a head start and took all the art glass above our kitchen cabinets down. Washed everything and then got on a step stool and cleaned the tops of the cabinets and the lighting. Normally this doesn't get done very often so it's a project when I do it.
Plan on getting things like the ceiling fans and other high spots that are always my job done early so there is less for her to stress about. The meal prep is enough to think about with a houseful of people.
You just roll with these things and stuff we do that drive the Woman crazy they just roll with in return. Give a little, take a the end that makes for a lasting relationship.
well said man!
Lol! I can't believe you mentioned our "private" joke. Oh well, hopefully everyone knows that boys will be boys. But I think it's very sweet of you guys to go through all that trouble for us. Really appreciate it and honestly can't wait to hook up again. Not too long to go.
I'll be chilling in the house of @exyle and @bkdbkd. The word "Crazy" just doesn't cut it anymore, lol! Mind-blowing? Maybe. :)
I'm looking forward to it man! It's going to be a blast!
I hope the bottle of red was lovely.
You should vlog yourself cleaning the kitchen next time. You can clean and talk about steem at the same time, kill two birds with one stone.
What a marvellous idea! Thank you @noboxes
@exyle, you can start right away! :)
Hahaha. The bottle was very nice btw. I'll think about your idea. It appears Bianca likes it already.
I love cleaning my home once in a while. Rearrange the cushions and each time I finish cleaning, there is this feeling of sweetness and I will feel like hosting someone important who can notice and compliment the effort.
Great job.
@exyle I nearly lost my breakfast when you said @ezzy just need sheets without "Spunk Stains"...........LMAO
If it was true, then everybody would have wash their cars every-hour in Netherlands...Haha..!
Am happy she is fine now, when going to pick her I wish you safe trip to the hospital and back home. I Will be writing a short poem for your mum @Clio tomorrow.
I know it's not easy to clean up the house, but one thing I notice is that when you start cleaning it looks stressful but with a blink of eye you are done, but later just to fine out that you have spent some hours.
Wow!!, your lifestyle is just perfect. I just real like the way you talk about how things has been working out for you. Some time when reading your post I fill like also blogging about my lifestyle too. I wish you all @exyle, @Clio, @ezzy and Bianca pleasant day ahead.
Thanks for sharing
Thank you, man!
Excellent post my friend, well it's great to see both of you trying to make your house and thinks as clean as possible and it's important because it surely gives very nice impression to the visitors and the first thing which comes up in a visitor mind is the cleanliness of the house and as we heard first impression is the last impression, so if house and perfectly decorated and cleaned then a visitor start feeling great right from the start, i really like your beautiful car, it looks like brand new to me after that wash and also shinning beautifully, i hope your friends really enjoy their visit to your house, have a very joyful and cheerful weekend ahead, Stay blessed
Thank you! This weekend will be awesome.
Lol. Good read 😂
Ofc I expect nothing less the next time I come to visit you 😘
You should! I always ask him to neat the house before you arrive, but he always says "it's just Ben".
Guess I'm not that important any more. Beware @ezzy, in 30 years he will no longer clean his home when you come to visit 😂
Lol, I don't even think it's a Brazilian thing, I think it's just a girl thing. My god lady is nuts for the cleaning if there are guests coming! Enjoy the red!
I think I have discovered a pattern.
If there's a pattern it can be broken!!!
From now on, the bar is high! From now on I only expect to drive in a clean car with you of course! All fun aside. Good to see what you do for nice friends to welcome them!
To have friends over when your house is dirty, it's very disrespectful. But @ezzy and @rea, he's exaggerating a bit, don't expect much lol. Just looking forward to the weekend!
meu amor!
Hey @exyle, so sorry this has caused you a pain... Don't worry, @ezzy can come and help you out with the cleaning when he gets there, haha!!
He's over exaggerating lol don't listen to this fool. House is alright ish
Lol! I can't wait to see you guys again. :)
I think the cleaning thing is embedded in all females! lol Glad your mom is doing better and she'll be glad to get home on Friday. Have a really good weekend with your friends!
Yeah as you said, Men are simple and women are cleaning everything and they need it neat! End result should be Men will get more troubles to make them happy! Nice to hear that you are ready to welcome the guests!
Hope we can see more great updates from you!@exyle,
You bought your own car at that's really mature of you. Am 24 and I have not even had anything close to a car of my own. Nice one
I thought I was late tbh!
No you were not, at least compared to me. Lol
Train yourself so that next time it is your idea to clean. Give your mom something nice for getting out of the hospital... like an audio book. She will love it!
When I saw the first pictures of "your" car wash, I started packing my bags...
It's too cold here to get a car wash any more. There's too much risk that your doors will freeze shut ... or worse, they occasionally will freeze open!. (Then you wrap the seatbelt around the handle until the heat of the car melts the ice and the door closes)
I hope your visit goes well. Looking forward to see the master at work with those steaks!!
I hope your green egg doesn't freeze shut!
I've wondered about the same think. I'm worried that either the gasket of the cap or the gasket of the egg itself might get a little moisture on it and freeze.
My wife will look at me funny when I bring the egg into the house and warm it in front of the fire ... but a man's got to do what a man's got to do.
sure thing. enjoy your evening and the wine!
I love the carwash joke :))) I hope you won't be sleeping on the couch because of it.
Beautiful story, my friend, after all these preparations for your meeting it was a pleasure to relax behind a bottle of wine and I think you will have a wonderful rest on Saturday with your friends. Thank you @exyle
Awesome story
nothing tires more, than a day of cleaning ... on the other hand, Netherlands seems a good place to go to wash the car.. regards!
Have a good day...
Thinking to transfer yo Netherland :D I'll go everyday for car wash. Just kidding :p
clean..everything you will be clean.
@followed and upvoted
best of luck
@followed and upvoted
Great news from your mom..No difference between the hands or under the machines the most important is that your car is clean.
You sure deserve it @exyle. That preparation you'll did isn't easy. The sight of relief is priceless. Your visitors will sure be impressed! Enjoy what ever you decide to watch.
wow! one-day life story. Totally awesome.
nice posting bro..
have a good day
it's all good you enjoyed your day but at a point of reading it,i actually thought you had a stressful day ,anyway nice post...
don't worry you are gonna see them again @exyle
nice post
Wow that's really nice, I was really anticipating you reeling us about the girls that wash cars by Hand.Lol
Awesome story of your day. Yah it is one of those thing, when you are expecting special people to your house, you try to clean the house weol even if it is neat. Hahahahahaha. Even me too i do it.
Am glad your mum m had a good night rest, and she is recovering very well. All the best
Awesome. I know what it's like to clean the house when you expecting a visitor. You have to do it whether you like it or not.
This is really good news your mum is feeling lesser pain. Your last post brought joy to me.
You car really looks nice. No one will bought it a second hand if you don't say. Happy for your mum too.
Hmm nice one, hope you had a lovely time with the guests you were expecting. Lovely post.
nice post)
You got some pretty dynamic photos here Mr. Exyle.
thank you for sharing, nice post
Sound good are good news
I love cleanliness! And the girls at the car wash are so cool ))
like that, have a nice day...
what an experience that would have been simply outstanding....