Fruit-flies Invasion

in #life7 years ago


It never ends.

We finally manage to get Mickey out the door and the next invasion has started.


At least that's what I think they are.

They are very tiny flying objects and when you leave something on the table top for too long and pick it up a whole cloud of them disperses.

I don't remember ever seeing fruit flies in my house but apparently the insane warm weather has brought them out.

To combat them Bianca and I once more spend a whole day cleaning the kitchen from top to bottom.

'Take away the food take away the flies is the hope'.

I also make sure I empty the bin much more then normally.

Just like with the mice if anyone has any tips to get rid of them it would be very welcome.

Cleaning the kitchen today I was boiling.

It was 35 degrees in the Netherlands today.

Don't get me wrong I love the warm weather but some rain would be welcome now.

We had a few drops this morning but it quickly stopped.

Saturday might give some rain according to the forecast.

That would be nice.

Screen Shot 2018-07-25 at 20.31.05.png

The only unlucky thing is that Saturday is also Bianca's birthday party.

But I'm sure I'll can to put up a tarp so we can still sit outside.

Then everyone can cool off a bit.

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Fruit flies, this invasion, my friend and you are absolutely right, it was warm weather and caused this invasion. When they appear with us, we try to store all the fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator, so they are better preserved and there are no flies, I hope soon the heat will subside and everything will get better! Thanks Mark

Take a glass and pour some Red wine into the bottom of it or some Apple Cider vin(works best). Just a small amount to drown them in the bottom. The key is to add a drop or two of dish soap to it to make the surface of it grab worthy of a fly that size. Leave it on the counter over night and see whatcha' get!

Thanks for the tip!

Dear friend, I'm worried about seeing you with that face, I imagine how you and Bianca would feel, because sharing your house with those two plagues is horrible, I lived it a few years ago and it was not easy for me, I'm going to recommend you, in the first place, not leave nothing to the interperie that can attract the attention of the flies, neither fruit nor food and much less dirty dishes, I will fight them with water and vinegar, I make a preparation with these two substances and I pass through a damp cloth with this liquid and the flies disappear, and by the mice, there if you have to look for a stronger product or a poison that takes them out of your beautiful house.

Take away water as well. Don't leave any dishes in your sink with water. Do you have any plants in your house? You could put them outside.

Mark @exyle I feel your pain with the flies. It's always something.......You will figure it out and things will be fine. Happy Birthday to Bianca @bkdbkd

Hi exyle. maybe you have eaten too much water melon and you are attracting the fruit flies now lol. We also get them when it is hot. They are fruit flies. Mice is an issue if you don't have a friendly neighborhood owl or a cat.

"Just like with the mice if anyone has any tips to get rid of them it would be very welcome."

Been there done that.
Welcome Exyle!
I am trying to get rid of them for 8 weeks.
All it takes is 1 tiny piece of fruit, or 2 drops of milk somewhere and they are back.
I don't even use my garbage bin anymore.
I walk to an underground container in front of my house and throw it in there.
I think there are only 4 fruit-flies left. Down from 50.
Good Luck!

Oooo. Let me know if @otage's fly trap works that would be handy to know if it does.

We were 32 degrees today @exyle. I'm soooo glad I'm only a block from the beach. 😁

Raid fly spray. A quick squirt and they all die like flies, pardon the pun. Then the tidyness will prevent any more from a coming!

I hear you on the weather. My grass died!!!

I'm sorry for you loss. Thanks for the tip!

Few years ago we had a big problem with fruit flies. I was searching everywhere what was the cause. At the end I found out we were using organic soil for our flower pots. We immediately replaced the organic soil for regular and the problem was solved. No more fruit flies in our house. They are really annoying and you possibly can get health issues from them such as diarrhea or stomach pains, because the lay their eggs to all this food they find inside your house and than you end up eating it.

because the lay their eggs to all this food they find inside your house and than you end up eating it.

Oooff...that sounds nasty. I hope to get rid of them soon.

The humid top and the high temperatures contribute to more fly, the only way to replenish them is with a fly-spray.
Good luck with them, they can be very annoying
I wish you a great afternoon dear friend @exyle

A birthday with some rain so you can celebrate with the weather a little fresh, but also this the possibility of more heat, regarding the fruit flies is because surely you left some food uncovered and the heat so strong attracted

Cleaning alone is not enough. I think you have to cover up any food especially fruit or veggies. Get a good can of aerosol insecticide and spray in the affected area ( just a few sprays) Keep the windows and door open. The fruit flies will disappear within no time. Keep all food in the fridge or covered up and all surfaces dry :)

Bianca's Birthday Party! Is her birthday actually on Saturday? Mine is tomorrow! It is nice to know another Leo! 🦁

Yes, you have an infestation of fruit flies. Getting rid of the garbage sooner will help. Fresh fruit really attracts them. They have a lifespan of about 21 days but they are prolific. Making a fruit fly trap works. Take a small plastic container like a yoghurt container. Mash some banana up and put in the bottom of the container. Use plastic wrap to cover the top of the container and hold the plastic in place with an elastic band. Poke a few holes in the top so the flies can get in. Done. Then throw the flies and bananas out.

@bkdbkd will like that too.

And thanks for the fruit-fly trap tip!

Hey, happy birthday fellow Leo! Hope you have an amazing day 🌼 @cecicastor

Happy Birthday to my Leo sister! Hope you have an amazing day and Mark takes you out for a nice dinner! @bkdbkd 🎂🥂

Yup noticed some of them today around the fruit also just before leaving for work @exyle wants some tips so he can stop working so hard in the kitchen scrubbing lol, I have heard vinegar keeps them away if it gets that bad.

Put an inch of apple cider vinegar in a jar and a drop of dish soap, cover it with plastic wrap and poke holes... leave it on the counter. Now you have a fruit fly trap.

Awesome! thanks man!

Food rules for living in the Tropics.

  1. Freeze your food waste until garbage collection day.
  2. Store anything that is attractive to insects in your refrigerator. YES EVEN YOUR SUGAR BOWL, SUGAR CUBES, FRESH FRUIT, ETC.
  3. Clean your kitchen right away after cooking, and don't leave dirty dishes sit around for even an hour.
  4. Prey for cooler weather (optional).
  5. If you have pets keep to strict feeding times and put leftover food in refrigerator after Silvester the Cat is done eating. Clean the litter box often if you have one, or move it outdoors.

Good luck.

Well it might be due to the temp change !

While Happy Birthday in Advance I suppose to Bianca :)

thank you for giving us the latest information

There is no choice! It is summer and they are very active, but harmful :)

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Nice looking

I have found that if you leave a glass out with a small amount of whisky or bourbon in it they will often be attracted to that. Then they get stuck and can't get out. Don't use the expensive stuff though, that is just a waste! Good luck, they sure can be a pain. If you have any produce or flower sitting out you might try moving them to the fridge or outside respectively.

Time flies like an arrow,
but fruit flies like a banana


But regarding the invasion: just avoid having food and fruit / vegetables lying in the heat.

well its an another mission to accomplish time to battle with fruit flies

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