"You are not taking your Gringo flip-flops to Brasil!", Bianca said a little over a week ago, "Take your Havaianas!".
And that was that.
Havaianas I guess are the national footwear in Brazil and when the sun is out and nothing else counts.
Me walking around in my gringo flip-flops would be a big no-no for her and a tell tail sign there is a gringo in the neighbourhood.
Personally I would think that my size (6"6) would give that away straight away but who knows?
You can find these flip-flops literally everywhere here. Even in the supermarket:
They come in all sorts of colours and models now.
I just checked wikipedia and they sell 200 million of these flip flops world wide every year!
Also a nice fact is that a Scotsman Robert Fraser in 1962 invented them.
A scotsman inventing Brasils national footwear, pretty cool!
I do like wearing Havaianas for short walks but for longer walks I prefer the more solid gringo flip flops that I got (at home..lol) or shoes.
But maybe I'm just not trained enough yet wearing them.
I Still got plenty of time in Brasil to get used to them properly.
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The cool thing is they have their texture from car tires.
They were so poor in Brazil that people would cut up old tires and create these crude sandals.
So perhaps it's a bit ironic that a foreigner would come along and "invent" them, and turn it into a business.
What? No! LOL, 100% not true.
Hmm yeah I can't find any source for that now, so I guess you're right :-)
I could have sworn I read / heard that somewhere when I was travelling in Brazil.
Great prints on these flip flops!
You should buy a pair with the Steem logo on it.
(Maybe next year, when it's $10.)
Hello friend, I have some very similar to yours that are normal here. the detail is that we do not go out in the street in flip flops hahahaha that is not done here, it is good that you have the freedom to go out with them, apart from the fact that the sun is very strong and you burn or mark your feet with the ropes of his chancla. regards
Hahahahahaa. It's all about getting used to, @exyle!! Those sandals are super comfortable, especially because of the heat in our countries. They are perfect for going to the beach and can be washed at any time. I have mine! And the best part is that they're not expensive. You should be careful not to step on surfaces with water because you may slip. Keep up the good work. Take care and greetings
It's funny because I just said to @exyle that what I like about these flip flops is they are slip-proof. Wearing Havaianas guarantees me slip-free walks, even on wet surfaces @nancybriti. Could it be that the import quality is different from domestic quality?
Good advice! thanks!
Hurrah for the Scots!!! :0D
Although I struggle with them too and stick with my more mannish ones, hehe
I think we should drink to that tonight :)
I agree!!
I holland the weather is getting better, i always wear havaianas, and no I will not make a picture, lol.. maybe you could do a havaianas picture contest by the way...
A lot of those here in the Philippines.
But mostly imitation Havaianas not original.
I love wearing flip flops at home. Perhaps mine are made in Brazil 😆. For outside, I mostly use my running shoes. Once I started using them for my jogging hobby, I just loved them. Running shoes are the most comfortable shoes of all. They are great for your knees as well especially for me, when I run a lot.
So what's the difference between Havaianas and flip-flops @exyle?
Apart from the colour they look the same to me. 😁
Nothing, Havaianas is just the brand that invented them
According to Bianca it's also quality. This is what I found: Havaianas' aerated rubber soles are seen as key to the brand's success and their manufacturing process is kept under strict wraps.
Haha too funny! Flip flops are so specific in terms of their comfort and wearability (if that's even a word!) Like nothing is more awkward than uncomfortable flip flops! And, nothing is sweeter than good ol' reliable ones either! I am curious what 'gringo' sandals might be...i am seeing large velcro buckles at the toe & front of the ankle? Am i in the ballpark with that image!!?
HAHAHAHA! No it's not that bad. More along the lines of this:
🙊Birks!??? Oh my lanta. Nooooo! I can't believe it.... these are possibly my favourite sandals! This can't be so!! 😂
I will consider myself warned in the event that i visit Brazil! Goodness me!! Oh my.
Is that what they are called? O man, I love mine too.
In Hawai'i, they refer to that type of flip-flop as "slippahs". Cheap and comfortable. Never worn in the house.
If you go visit someone, you can always tell if they have company over.

wow! I can't believe it. In Dutch we call them: Slippers.
Exactly, wow!
If I'm not mistaken, those prices are in Brazilian Real, right? Those flip flops are definitely cheap, but when they get here they are pricey! But I have to say worth the money, as they are slip proof and kind of comfy to wear. 😊
Yes they are in REAL. $1 = around 4 REAL.
Yes they are indeed cheap! Sweet!
I have lived in CentralAmerica for almost 20 years and I still I am not used to wearing those things on my feet! I prefer real sandals over these. I figure id I am going to wear those, I may as well go barefoot!
I wear flip flops pretty much every day through the summer. The only time I don't is if I am driving long distances. I can't do too much walking in them though. It starts to hurt my calf muscles after a while. Maybe that is just because I am out of shape. I think you are right, at 6'6" you are probably going to stand out no matter where you go. Unless it is a professional basketball game :)
Wow! Lucky you. Yesterday, I went to buy my size is 9 number but I could not find it anywhere in whole market. I am happy that you found em, cool ;)
What different interesting colors in the stand😊
They are cool and most comfortable in sunny weather
I grew up wearing them in India
I would have been a rebel and bought pink ones :D
Time to go full on Havaianas ;)
I have heard that Havaianas is the best company.
Its products are very good. Very well posted post thanks for sharin
Like your blog post.
Hi! Once I heard from one of my mates that he called them, I don't know why, Vietnameses.
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