Leaving London after an amazing time!

in #life7 years ago


After an amazing 4 days it’s time to go home again.

I had such a great time and can’t thank Ezzy and Rea enough for being incredible hosts.

Ezzy drove me to the London City airport which takes you through Central London.

The traffic there is horrendous and it took much longer than anticipated to get to the airport.

I almost missed my flight.

Next time I’ll take the Metro for sure :)

But the feeling of being able to go to London without the constant feeling of looming business calls has been amazing.

Now, I’m looking forward to seeing Bianca again and getting back into my vlogging routine.

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One of my dream vacations is London!! You’re so lucky , I have family there and they always tell me the beauty of the place . I’ve always been fascinated by with way of speaking as well

the bad thing about a good vacation is to go back home and do the same routine as always, but at the same time it is very good to go home because there is nothing better than our own home.
I wish you a happy trip and arrive safely to your home God bless you

Thanks, back home now!

London is great. Only problem is weather. One minute is cold, other minute is hot. Glad to see you enjoyed the time in this amazing city.

I always have a great time in London!

Mark Awesome Trip Great Friends @ezzy and @rea .....You are the Steemian @exyle that everyone can look Up to. Also I am sure @bkdbkd will be happy to see you home................

You've spoken well @stokjockey.

Truly, @exyle is an excellent & exemplary Steemian.

Cheers 🍻

Have a safe flight!!

I know you'll meet Bianca in good health, say hi 2 her for meSo cool your back 2 base @exyle.. hope you had a swell time over there. Thank God for journey mercies granted you.

Your time in London must really be fun and exciting but nothing likes home. Have a safe trip @exyle!

Safe travels @exyle. Glad you've left some sunshine here. 😁

Looking forward to hearing you take on the weisman (sp?) report and to the next time we meet.

It was nice meeting you! And thanks, I'm back home now.

I think it's awesome that you get to basically dedicate your time to Steemit and other steem projects because you and all the others out there working hard to build Steemit into the best Blockchain project out there essentially makes you all early pioneers of this platform. The fact that cryptocurrency shows are popping up in various parts of the world now give this space so much more exposure that will help it grow and thrive. I enjoy reading your posts and I hope one day I get to do something similar to what you're doing now.

Welcome back friend, to your house and your dear loved ones. Thanks for the great share.

@exyle thanks for sharing with us who couldn't go, the crypto show in London. It was amazing to hear that steemit stood out from all the other presentations.

I can understand what you mean when you say you feel great about visiting London for pleasure not for business. This is one of the beauty of steemit; the ability to do what you want when you want it, with no deadline or schedule attached.

Welcome back, hope to hear more from you soon. Peace.

It sounds like you had a great time and were able to relax. I think everyone needs to unplug every once in a while so good for you. Traffic can cause so many delays when you are on a schedule, that happens to me a lot too when traveling. London is on my Bucket List but I haven't hit it yet. Looking forward to making that trip myself. Thanks for sharing!

Well Mark, I'm sure you have many times in the future coming up to enjoy London again. You're lucky to be so relatively close to it. Guess as a Texan I can just live vicariously through you and your Vlog/Blog ;)

Safe trip home!

Best of luck your time

Sure it was an amazing experience for you. Safe trip

I agree with you, my friend, these days were terrific for you and your friend, 4 days of a busy program, of course exhausting, but the game was worth the candle! It is a pity that long traveled to the airport and the choice of metro in the metropolis, this is the best solution. I am sure that you are very welcome at home and you have something to share with family and friends! Thanks Mark

Welcome to come back after passing interesting time in London.

Safe flight ✈

Nice shots @exyle

I like this your steepshot.
I appreciate your blog.

I would have thought you go with Bianca...
Hoping to see your vlogg and Photo about the nice time...

Hope you dont feel sad because you leave!

The gallery was gorgeous and very amazing
An introduction to our most beautiful articles indeed
I wish you a pleasant travel

enjoy your trip.
hope you enjoy it.

Hillo (exyle(74) you all article interesting articles I like you steemit page you like Ripley mai steemit page thanks

as i know you were in London for attending meeting concern with steemit..any way have a nice day and a safe journey ...

your inspiring very nice , thanks for shar.

London is a place of Royal Attitude and it's traffic is always terrific but thank God you managed it in a best possible way.Well thank you s for the updates, i am sure the #londoncryptocurrencyshow went really well. Thanks to Ezzy and Rea for wonderful manners of hosts.

Stay Blessed @exyle :)

At least you spend nice time there and came out of the daily routine. Now as you are going back, you will feel more fresh and excited :)

Looks like you had a great vacation time @exyle.. Woaaaah🌼

Have a safe journey and keep sharing😊

Get back to work now ;)

Best of luck.I wish you a happy trip and arrive safely to your home God bless you.May you live long.

que bien, que disfrutaste, éxito

verry good

You are lucky to be traveling, I never go away to enjoy life. wish I someday I have enough funds for a tour

verry goog

My dream vacation is a London !! You are so lucky, I have family there and they always tell me the beauty of the place. I have always been fascinated with the way to speak

Nice post brother, hopefully had a great time there...
Nice selfie @exyle

London's unique thing is that it has dozens of famous landmarks. You're quite lucky that you got a chance to visit there. And welcome back to your home buddy!!

beautiful pic😍

Cool excellent journey this has been you enjoyed and had some great experiences :)