Start with Steemit If you want to show someone crypto technology.

in #life8 years ago

I finally found a person that understood my enthusiasm for crypto yesterday. He asked me to show him what it was all about. This had not happened in years.

I know so much about this space that I was convinced I could show him cool stuff right away.

It was a total disaster. Because I started with Bitcoin...

I'm still happy regardless, there is nothing else worth chasing.

I let him install the Exodus wallet and explained to him that this is his own private wallet. I showed him the different coins you can store in the wallet. I wanted to buy him some bitcoin (20 euro) to get started.

I logged into Kraken and bought some bitcoin on the open market. When I wanted to send it to him I realized that I couldn’t access the email I needed to verify the transaction on his computer. This wouldn't work...

Plan B

I then tried to buy Bitcoin for euros on this Dutch site (Bitonic) I use often and I realized I didn’t have my banks identifier with me so I couldn’t do any bank transaction.

By now he’s looking at me like and says, ‘I thought this would be a smooth experience.’

And he is right. I’m fucking it up. This experience is a nightmare.

Plan C

A stroke of genius.

I quickly explained to the guy that what I was trying to do was ancient technology already and I let him create a Steemit account. I said to him, 'this is the future'.

I logged into my own Steemit account and instantly transferred Steem to his fresh account.

I then let him send that Steem to Poloniex (he made an account). It arrived so fast. We traded some coins for fun.

I explained to him that every coin traded on Poloniex is a project within the crypto space. And he should research what he would like to invest in.

He finally got more enthusiastic about it. I felt relieved.


I guess everybody can relate with the frustration you can have when you want to show somebody something you are enthusiastic about and then it doesn’t work the way you want.

Of course, I should have prepared this better but it was an 'in the moment’ thing.

I was again reminded how easy Steemit has made things within the crypto space but also how freaking fast the transactions are. It’s such beautiful technology.

Next time I want to show crypto to somebody I just go to Steemit straight away.

signature Follow Me @exyle


Steemit is opening a lot of new avenues for revenue generation. People who are creative or well versed in communicating can benefit tremendously. A lot of individual musicians and artists can find refuge using steemit as a means of income.

I agree with you there is tremendous untapped potential here, not just for artists or for people with communication skills but for many others. In my mind, I can see all that future potential already and it's extremely exciting. It's already amazing what has been achieved in just over a year.


Steemit (and Steem) has so many great things going on. One is that you don't have to use some horrendous impossible to remember address to send someone money. All you need is @exyle or whatever the recipient's handle is. Then there's the whole content creation thing... instead of trying to explain "mining" to someone.... and the future holds so much more potential.

So far three people I know have joined here (including my wife) and have started being part of the community, even though they had zip experience with cryptos before a few weeks ago. That's pretty cool!

You are so right. With Steemit, explaining crypto became 10 times easier. I will never use Bitcoin again as an example unless somebody specifically asks. Good job on getting others on Steemit. I got my girlfriend to use it and my mom. That is pretty cool.

I'm still waiting for someone to ask me about Steemit! I feel like the majority of my social media connections are sheeple and it's so frustrating sometimes! How can they NOT see the brilliance that is Steemit???
Even my own kids are like, NAW. It's not "real money." I may have to disown them. lol

"I may have to disown them." lol. yes you do. ><

That one made me chuckle too!

I'm starting to tweet less and less. What I'm doing is making posts on here, then tweeting it out using a #Steemit hashtag to show them the light! 😉

Visit and create "recipes" to share across your social media. Your Steemit RSS feed is And you can share your content just about anywhere you have an account. :)

Awesome. I'll check that out. Thanks!

Hah i was doing that the other nite at work with a colleague who's teethering in becoming a model of some sort, not the actual making of a wallet but mostly about BTCs and Steems, the website ;)

I learned my lesson. I'll start with Steemit when explaining crypto and nothing else.

Haha you were fine ;)

Hahaha ! That's me a few months ago . I didn't even know what crypto means :) look at me now! I have 6 wallets wishing to learn how to trade. Steemit made it possible for me so far. I go step by step ahead.

Wow, 6 wallets! Although I can relate, before Exodus Wallet I also had that many. I'm now down to two. Give it a shot it's a very nice and above all, easy to use, wallet. And good job on learning about crypto! I have been in this space for 5 years and I still get excited when I learn about new things.

great work! :)

My friends are still struggling with the basic concept of being payed for something online. Must be Croatian apathy and pessimism in general.

Get more beers and try one more time :). They will get it.

perfect :)

Well described experience! I feel with you - good that you had the steemit idea in the end.
By the way ... if he has a steemit account now, he should comment your article from his point of view - would be quite interesting. :)

It is much easier to convince people to use something if they have an opportunity to earn. "Steem the Gateway Crypto Currency."

You are so right, It truly is the Gateway Crypto Currency!

I teach a business Spanish class and have always started the Crypto currency mini-unit with talk of Bitcoin. May have them sign-up for Steemit instead and use that as a jumping off point. Thanks for the idea!

Glad I could help you with this idea. Thank you for your nice comment and success with teaching!

Steemit is a really good intro into the crypto world because of the interactive element.

LOL, good comeback - "just showin' ya some ancient technology yo"

When I introduce people to crypto, Steemit is the start and end point. I then let them decide how far down the rabbit hole they want to go!

That's exactly what I will do from now on :)

Hey @exyle come on now you know you should of started with introducing steemit first lol, because its awesome! haha ancient technology you got lucky there.

Hey @exyle! Interesting post and content is useful. Keep posting.