This hard fork is not my first hard fork and it won't be my last. But it sure is a special one.
We are talking about a huge change for Bitcoin and anything can happen.
Bitcoin is by far the most important crypto in the space and just because of that anything that happens to Bitcoin will have a huge impact on other cryptos. Including Steem.
Most of my Bitcoin is in cold storage. I have been contemplating getting them out and make a quick buck on Bitcoin Cash.
Personally, I think it will be dumped after the hard fork and selling it as fast as possible would be the way to go.
But, I decided against it because it would mean I have to put my BTC on an exchange and nowadays I tend to avoid those (like the plague).
For me, the risk feels too great. I don't know why I feel this way but I tend to listen to my gut.
What I am going to do, if I am right about the dump, is pickup some Bitcoin Cash cheap and take a gamble holding.
Because I made this decision I don't feel too stressed about tommorow. There is basically nothing I can do about it.
I do have some Fiat on the sideline in case there is a huge crash for whatever reason and that's always a good time to pickup some cheap crypto.
I talk about it more in my vlog. Starts @2:10
Follow Me @exyle
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Bianca's haircut looks really professional haha
The slight hair fade looks pretty good to be honest.
The diet may be hard but you can do it @exyle. I believe in you. Flex the biceps with some dumbells, not with the spatula.
You are going to be like Chris Pratt:

Despite the fact he may have some outlandishly expensive personal trainer but we will be your trainer.
The fork is coming! I'm apprehensive but I'm also excited to see the outcome of this fork. I can't wait to see how the market reacts after BCC hits the market but it will most likely be positive for altcoins as people dump their BCC for fiat or altcoins.
I think it may be a good idea to keep it in cold storage rather than having it on an exchange on that day. Let's see if any problems arrive on their when tonnes of free money is dumped on to the markets.
LOL! haha! :)
I think we will see some fireworks today. I took the afternoon off :)
Good post and how you handle this. I wish I had some bitcoins but I am not that techie. Steem is there to stay.
Keep on steemit.
Great post brother. I'm doing the exact same thing, just keeping my BTC in cold storage and see what happens when the dust settles tomorrow. I have that old trader in me wanting to get on an exchange and see if I can make some quick profits, but if I've learned anything throughout the years, it's that when you're chasing quick money there's a lot of risk involved, and that's just not for me anymore. This is a race, but it's a marathon, not a sprint.
I think it's great you and Bianca are getting healthier. It's so easy to develop bad eating habits in this busy life we live, and that's why it's so important to take care of yourself. My grandfather had a saying regarding health, he'd say "You can't out exercise a bad diet", and that's very true. Especially as we get a little older.
We can all sit back and see what happens tomorrow and just enjoy the ride. It's going to be an exciting day. Have a great night brother!!
Yes, waiting for successful completion of BTC Hardfork, hope everything goes smoothly.
I've taken my btc to my electrum wallet. There is a free lottery of bcc after the fork. The procedure is easy to follow from the link below. It involves setting up another two wallets. Drain your original btc wallet to a new wallet. You can then drain it again to a new bcc wallet for your bcc. This way your new bcc wallet can't get at your btc because it's gone.
A lot of lemmings will be jumping off the SegWit cliff tomorrow, but many may not and could stick with the original Satoshi vision of Bitcoin, which is Bitcoin Cash + 8MB. People see this hard fork as Bitcoin Cash forking off of Bitcoin but I see it as SegWit going off into a new Bitcoin, while Bitcoin Cash continues as the old one with a much larger block size. Maybe people won't sell their BCC.
If you are right, no cheap Bitcoin Cash for me :). Let's see it's an interesting day today.
It's a good idea in general not to keep your cryptocurrency on an exchange for safety reasons. I too am expecting people to sell Bitcoin Cash initially. It actually might be a really good buy if the price plunges significantly. I don't think it will ever overtake the original Bitcoin but it can be competitive as a top 30 cryptocurrency.
Certainly agree on the Bitcoin HF.
I also don't anticipate on new developments happening, it seems all the cards are on the table now.
And that's probably a good thing for cryptocurrencies in general.
But nothing is set in stone, interesting times ahead still!
My prep work involves being ready to gather cheap Steem in the event of market pump or dumps and having cash ready to buy in if things get wild.
I don't have much in Bitcoin, but I may end up with a few BCC tokens.
This is my first btc hardfork, so I am planning on watching until I pass out in an attempt to learn something.
Totally agree bitcoin will be dumped after the hardfork... A great buying opportunity is coming! Watchin your video as I write this... diets with booze are fun haha
Hey, you're Dutch! Do you know when the whole thing is taking place, Dutchies time?
I'm glad I have most of my value in SP/SBD. I don't understand much of this, so I'm just waiting to see what happens.
10 voor half drie. :-)
Ooh dank je :D
Why are you trying to avoid exchanges so much?
MTgox, Cryptsy, BTC-E. Now Polo with withdrawl issues.
I see.. What in your opinion is the best place to convert crypto then?
Well, there is always some hype in crypto world. Now this hard fork thing is making people restless. Everyone wants to earn free Bitcoin cash out of their Bitcoin holdings. This will make the bitcoin price highly volatile for few days. because If people held their bitcoin cash, then real bitcoin value would decline for sure and if they sold out their bitcoin cash immediately, there would be a significant rise in Bitcoin pricing. In both the cases alt coins would suffer. They are still in downtrend and less percentage of people are investing in altcoins right now. I believe if someone invest in Altcoins at this point then he would have made the same amount of profit within few days as he would earn from Bitcoin cash. And investing in altcoins is very easy, no fuss involved.
Its a great choice right now.
yes u r right @exyle sir i also think the risk feel too great and i think its the time to pickup some cheap crypto and wait for some time after i hope get some profit
i am still struggling to understand when is good time to buy more and sell less or something like that. i am frozen at the moment and just hoping it will rise and steem will be solid as steel
Aaaannd, the hardfork is in place. :D
yes i think pickup some cheap is good decion now a time...but otherwise i think there is no big crash which think everyone
Im Ready!!! Thanks for u post!
Will see. There is tension in the air!
I think the same. It will dump (possibly massively) then be cheap as chips for the buy in to HODL!
Well, here is hoping anyway :O)
There will still be more and more forks by the time everyone gets to know about bitcoin and the russian billionaires come into it.
That sounds like a good plan to me. While everyone else is stressing, you should sit back with a beer and enjoy some BGE.
I decided to take a 'risk' and leave my BTC in my coinbase wallet.
To be honest, I feel like everybody is over-exaggerating and I'm not falling for the panic. It might be my very first fork, I'm not afraid of it.
I also thought of picking up/ buying some Bitcoin Cash pretty soon, to try and make some quick profit. For the rest, I will just sit down with my virtual popcorn and enjoy the ride. I'm in it for the long haul anyway.
Good strategy :-)
I agree. Bitcoin Cash will be dumped big time. Bitcoin meanwhile at all-time high. Let see what happens.
Hi @exyle, I'm new to cryptocurrency. With STEEM it is the first time I work and I use it. That you recommend me, I stay STEEM, I sell them or change them. I do not know much about the subject, but as they say "asking is arrived in Rome". Thank you. :)
Ready Or Not, Here I Come, You Can't Hide , Fork is Real
But many wallets support bitcoin cash. Is it safe to store bitcoin, and it will still double?
Same thoughts here. Let's see the result.
I think I missed a lot About how to pick up the free bcc. I know you do have to get the coins from Poloniex(I think there are Besides this not a lot of fans of this Exchange) and get them in to a Wallet.. but then..
And on the other hand, what time does this all start?
thank you for sharing
This is mine first hard fork too excited and really nervous what will be the outcome :D