Which Console Would You Consider To Be The Greatest of All Time?

in #life6 years ago

Having had the privilege of owning (or at least trying out) almost "every" major console out there since the humble Atari 2600, it's interesting to hear what you guys would consider the best one ever made?


Now, of course, due to the huge advances in technology and component hardware, we are now at a level of near film-like gaming. It's still really astonishing to behold. So, in order to answer this question, I believe the "era of release" must also play a huge factor in deciding the ultimate winner. In other words, the impact said console had on gaming overall and the global popularity it attracted. And I'll tell you one thing. Had you been around during the highly publicised "Sega vs. Nintendo" wars back in the early to mid nineties, you'd have seen a time when developers did everything in their power to push the boundaries of gaming and genuinely try to please all their clamouring fans. It truly was a "golden age" where gaming was concerned. This, in turn, had the extremely welcome side effect of joe public enjoying some of the best games ever produced. Stuff that was considered major leaps and bounds over anything we'd ever seen before. I honestly believe that unique scenario will never be replicated again.

Sega's Sonic series going up against the might of Nintendo's Mario, was an absolute joy to witness. A constant stream of incredible titles in terms of game-play "and" graphics between two corporate behemoths, for the time in history. But those famous flagship mascots were just the icing on the cake. I also consider that period of time the "era of classics" too. Nintendo, with their Super Nintendo console, had the likes of Street Fighter 2, the Final Fantasy collection, Mega Man sequels, Donkey Kong titles and the graphically impressive 3D-rendered Starfox. And again, this is only just scratching the surface. Sega's Megadrive had such hits as the Streets of Rage trilogy, Gunstar Heroes, Shining Force, Thunderforce, Golden Axe and the Shinobi games, to name but a few. Even talking about it now, takes me back to a time I wish could be captured and bottled up forever.

So yeah. Even as amazing as the advent of the Playstation was, I'd go with this historic time in gaming history and excellence. And if push came to shove, which machine would I personally go with? Well, it'd be real close ( as I did own both) , but I'd have to go with the Super Nintendo. An iconic testament to everything that games are today. Not a hint of DLC in sight, no unnecessary cut-scenes to wade through before jumping into the action, just game-play given to us in it's purest sense.

But given the subjectivity of the question, which machine would you choose as the undisputed "king of the console"?


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For me, it would be the Playstation One (PSX). The best RPGS and fighting games came on it first. The controller was second to none before the XBOX 360 gamepad came about.

Now you're talking! Second choice for me would have been the legendary PSX. Incredible console.

I think that the Commodore Vic 20 and the 64 inspired people to realize that they would be able to play games on a computer.

In the 70's/80's, my father used to bring his computer home from work on the weekends. It basically filled the back seat of the car but he was using it for work and all I ever saw was the green text.

The first time I saw a Commodore Vic 20, then 64,



I thought past the 1's and 0's and thought I could enjoy spending hours and hours playing games on this.

For me, these were the first "consoles" that made me think outside of the computer=work mindset.

Awesome! I remember my friends had the Commodore 64 and myself the Amstrad CPC 464. Must admit, I was always a little jealous, but my machine was great. :)

My first was a TI99

I too was always jealous of my neighbour with the Commodore

Now, you have me thinking ...

The first game I can remember playing obsessively was Alpiner

and I remember my mother getting hooked on Munch Man

If you feel like playing these on your PC, they can be found here as well as an emulator http://mntnweb.com/oldcomputers/ti994a/ti994a.htm

heh they have all had their time and their time, so they were all good

Most def. :)

Awh, Spectrum ZX followed by Sega Megadrive ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

Spectrum ZX! Some great titles released on that computer (Manic Miner, anyone). :)

Ha! Yes, Daley Thompson's Decathlon pretty much wore out my keyboard as I hammered away at those keys.

Run Daley, run!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

OMG! I used to absolutely love that game! Keyboard button mashing at it's finest! :)

Haha! Yes hours of fun:)

Posted using Partiko Android

I never had the luxury of trying many of these games. I did use SEGA though sparingly. My parents never wanted us playing video games.

Yeah, parents saw game and consoles as the devils workshop! :)

Its all about the N64

Mario 64 was revolutionary...

For me I'd have to say Dreamcast was a game-changer. Being able to play Phantasy Star Online with my fam and friends was AWESOME!

Owner that console too. Soul Caliber and Shenmue. Nuff said. :)

I never had the agility for video games hahaha. My son would choose XBOX360, as his favorite.

Also great console in its own right.

I've ownPlayStation one, Gameboy color, n64, Gameboy advanced, PlayStation 2, psp, game cube, PlayStation 3 60gb, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS, PlayStation 4, 3ds, Nintendo switch, and I have a gaming PC that I built myself 9 years ago and have been upgrading parts as needed over the years to keep it up to date 2 gtx 1080 to and an i7 16gb ram. I've played every main stream game super Mario games to God of war halo world of Warcraft final fantasy etc you name it I've probably played it. My favorite though will always be PlayStation and I would get PlayStation 5 and on. Why? Because I love the devil may cry series good of war series and a lot of RPG game's especially final fantasy. I only care about Nintendo for Pokemon nothing else to be honest Xbox I don't really like and PC I'll play any mmo world of Warcraft and final fantasy 14 because I don't like MMOs on the systems I've tried some and it's just not the same.