Dear friend, reading your post makes me urge to precise that I didn't mean to be judgemental. I'm sorry if I seemed so, I was aware of this possible reading and I tried to further work on my message in the direction of not pointing the finger against anyone. If my words gave another impression, maybe this is due to the fact that I feel this with struggle. I understand what you mean, we are moulded by the environmental conditioning around us, but we are free too. I am a strong believer in our free will and the capability we all have to start a path for knowledge and compassion. I forgot to tell you that I own IOTA as you. I am excited of what we are going to witness and I strongly believe in the cypherpunk and crypto movement.. efficient decentralisation is the key of a new dawn.
One last tought .. I believe that together with one's economical/social influence and possibilities comes proportionately the responsibility of making this world a better place. This is what I believe and apply for myself. In the end if we want to fight this global powers and establishment we need to mainly fight the inertia of individual choices much more than people being "evil". In this I agree completely with you, and I won't tag anyone like that. What's wrong most of the time is the result of mechanical and even banal over-structures and behaviours (see Hanna Arendt, the banality of evil..a very important book i'm thinking to). I hope this made sense, take care! (sorry but I don't even have time to breath today :-P)
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Do not concern yourself my good fellow. I do not judge you nor form an opinion of you other than it is plainly clear that you are an honourable human being.
A rare thing these days.
You genuinely care for the world and as such you carry a burden.
A burden I once shared until I realised it is simply impossible and can only be achieved in tiny increments with millions who wish the for same.
We can not help others unless we ourselves are internally content otherwise we are merely crying in the dark in our anguish at the vast injustices in this present life.
For a long long time I felt the world was lost. But the world changed when an unknown person pinned a white paper to the wall of a developers meeting calling his paper "Bitcoin another way". Ironically in a somewhat similar way to Martin Luther hundreds of years ago which also set forth an unstoppable revolution with the opening and freeing the minds of millions.
You're right, I think that we can be our own greatest ally as much as our biggest enemy. You also made me think of how it's difficult to escape from the mind cage that we are capable to build around ourselves with our own hands.
I think that your simile with Martin Luther is simply brilliant.. same social disrupting value. Thanks once again for your valuable contribution!
We are all in this life together my friend. Sharing is the key to happiness.
My old teacher at school once said; "I am not going to teach you anything. Instead I am going to share my knowledge with you. For when we share, I also grow" : )
It was a lesson I never forgot.
I love your discussion and the wisdom you gained in your life.
Very true and wise words. Trying to change the whole world is a burden, but changing each other's lives (one person at a time) is like the continuous ripple made by throwing a pebble. It keeps growing until it reaches the outer borders of the lake.
Thank you for this interesting discussion and hope to see more informative and engaging people like you around.
So kind of you to give positive feedback : )
I find your words rather heart warming and I thank you for them.
Appreciated @theleapingkoala
It gives me the pleasure to give positive feedback to people in general, let alone a person I feel connected with on the level of humanity love.Dear @arthuradamson,
Thank you for being who you are and for your reply :)