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Freud came to the conclusion that dreams were "the guardians of sleep", with that expression they meant that if they did not dream, they would surface and disturb the sleeping unacceptable thoughts, which for the most part would consist of unconscious or repressed sexual desires.
The action of dreaming, therefore, disguised those unacceptable instincts by censoring them and allowing the dreamer to satisfy them in a more prudent way. Thus, according to Freud, "the content of a dream is the representation of an unsatisfied desire, and its obscurity is due to the censorship, the alteration and repression of its substance."
Which meant that the dreams had to be considered at two different levels and in practice, like two different dreams, the first was what he called "manifest dream", what the dreamer remembered upon awakening, the second important was the so-called "latent or true dream", was masked under a protective disguise, the task of the dreamer and his analyst, was to destroy the mask and reveal the real substance of the dream**.

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Almost invariably it was about sex. For example, the dreamlike satisfaction of the subconscious desires was aroused by the drive. How to have sex with a friend's partner. Maybe if you are a man when you wake up, you probably will not ask yourself the question: "Why have I dreamed of it?" Regardless if you are in love, be your friend, or have been your girlfriend and what you want is to forget it. Which would mean that you are still interested in spite of believing that "she" does not affect you in your life. At least that would reveal your unconscious on the subject.
"I believed that the emotions experienced in a dream could be transferred to conscious life and therefore used to solve problems that the dreamer's side had avoided. And therefore, dreaming could help us to establish contact with our secret intimacy, since the images and the dream symbols are usually interpreted according to the personality of the dreamer and his emotional state. With the only hope of scrutinizing our real life" Explained Freud.

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A young woman dreamed that a man was trying to harm her, shortly after her husband told her that he had an affair and was going to leave her. The doctor describes the dream as a sign that the woman unconsciously had caught, and despised, incidios that something was wrong in their marriage the dream showed that the subconscious was trying to bring up a problem that could be addressed and solved
Now, has something similar happened to you? Tell me a little when you leave your comment
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