The word itself comes from latin word "inspiratio" which means "to inspire".
The definition of "inspiration" is a state that promotes artistic creativity and scientific discoveries.
Therefore, we cannot push something to happen. That state must come itself, when it's "time". We just have to wait for it.
Today, in this rushing rhythm, it is unusual to just sit and wait so people push it and it's like we are programed on currently satisfying our own needs.
Although we cannot imagine our lifes without smartphones anymore, and I agree they help us in so many ways, I find myself sometimes looking and searching for some new ideas to do or to make. It is to pushy and things doesn't work that way.
While we are constantly trying to find some idea or inspiration we don't realize we don't have to do that, instead of trying so hard, inspiration will find us.
Directed search often does not lead anywhere, free spirit is the one that brings us some useful and creative ideas.
Inspiration works on mental relaxation and if we turn off spiritually, we allow our thoughts free path and thats where our inspiration comes out.
Human brain is wonder. Even when we "turn it of", brain actually continue to work on it's own special way.
Therefore, we can't say the brain isn't working. It does working on some other level and our creativity is growing.
Well, that is one of the most common questions. It is individual for every person but the point is to find something good from every situation.
Explore, open up, don't judge and don't listen to other people opinions.
Positivity is when we see the glass is half full, not half empty!
Our attention has to be on something good, we have to let things happen to us.
The best thing is to surround ourself with a lot of positivity and to open our hearts to new experiences in life.
Huh, this is a good topic to discuss about it. When you go deeply into mindset you can see how everything is easy, but we are influenced by various bad things that rob us of free time and the possibility of positive thinking. Therefore, I agree that in the absence and looking for inspiration, it finds us. We just have to give the freedom to inspiration and the freedom to our mind. However, it's very nice post. Thanks!
Positivity is when we see the glass is half full, not half empty!
Well said my friend.
A positive mind finds inspiration even in despair.
Very nice post, thanks for sharing
I love it! Good energies to start the day
Great job @faces. I appriciate.
Thank you...very nice..i like this post.....
Thanks for this valuable post inspiration sharing....this positivity blog i like this. and also i appreciate this post.. best of luck dear.......resteemit....
I really liked your post, my friend @faces
Good ningt brothers,,
Ho are you,,,
Post you the best
Truly inspiring & timely. Thank you for this dosage.
good job sir.
Otac mi jednom rekao "Muzi muzu dok je tu, one vole pobjeć"
Thank you for this post, it was lovely 💚