Just wanted to note that you're using the "I quoted this from someone else's comment/post" wrongly. The ">" operator should only be used for "things that other people said".
If you want to enhance something you said? Use the various "#" operators.
Here's one level.
This is two hashes.
Three here.
Four, and perhaps there are more levels, but, you get the point. :)
Just wanted to note that you're using the "I quoted this from someone else's comment/post" wrongly. The ">" operator should only be used for "things that other people said".
If you want to enhance something you said? Use the various "#" operators.
Here's one level.
This is two hashes.
Three here.
Four, and perhaps there are more levels, but, you get the point. :)
Well noted @libertyteeth. Thanks
oh, in the post you used the "<" quote block so I repeated that formatting, shall I just switch to emboldening then?
Hmm. In the post, I was quoting "someone who hadn't spoken yet".
And, it was the ">" not the "<" which I don't think does anything...
<Does it?
Anyway, yes, emboldening works, or embiggening; they're both perfectly cromulent words. :)