Living in big mansion, riding expensive car, attending top class universities is not necessarily a source of happiness. For some, just a complete square meal will make them happy for the rest of the week. Now who is more happy, a young boy who has nothing and obviously nothing to loss, just the love from his parents and that from the neighborhood & you who has a lot to worry about because you don't want to loss it, you know what's going on social media so you are concerned, you are constantly worked up trying to impress a handsome guy or beautiful girl, you friend drive the latest model of your automobile so you want to get that too. While in the real sense, You can actually be the source of happiness for the first category of people and helping them will be a source of happiness for you too. Donate to a charity not only for these African children but for any group of needy around. The happiness you derive seeing them happy is second to none....
good article friend If you follow me, I'll be happy.Thanks :)

A follow back and an upvote from you too won't be bad