15 Things You Did not Know About Women
Socrates said "I only know that nothing is", made the law made the trap.
Here I share 15 things that maybe you did not know about women (surely at least one did not know) so read carefully and learn new things that someday you'll include in some conversation.
- So take note
1.- Having a muscle mass lower than that of man; They are always cold.
2.- In spite of the common belief; driving better than men, and according to statistics have fewer traffic accidents.
3.- On average the sexual partners of a woman in her life is 11 people.
4.- 94% have sex less than five times a week. the usual average: 2 times. never exaggerate about it.
5.- A woman on average masturbates 2 times a week.
6.- They have a lower threshold of pain than men, but complain less.
7.- 94% of the women had premarital sex and before the age of 20.
8.- A study conducted in New York's financial district revealed that women earn 80% of a man's salary in the same position.
9.- If you are afraid to talk to one, take as a first step that no matter who you are or how you look at it is a flattering gesture that you approach.
10.- For a woman to have an orgasm; you should avoid stress as it is the enemy of sex.
11.- Female orgasm is a powerful analgesic, because it releases many of the endorphins of well-being.
12.- 68% of men presume to be good kissing, in contrast women are more modest. Only 56% of them are proud of how well they kiss.
13.- For a woman a kiss is infidelity.
14.- Women who practice reading more often have sex twice as long as those who do not read them.
15.- The dopamine that the woman releases when kissing gives as much euphoria as cocaine.
Nice article
thanks :)