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RE: Angelina Jolie Leaked Video Deals Dark Cabal a Massive Blow

in #life7 years ago

I appreciate your point of view. But, I cover how to defend oneself from this type of manipulation in other blogs.

And ignoring it will not make it go away.

There are about 10,000 of us world wide who are involved in visualizing healing golden light onto the places of darkness like Hollywood. In fact, right after one such experiment, this video broke.

Uncovering the truth is part of the solution. Ignoring it is not.

Of course, I agree people who obsess over this stuff and forget to exercise, meditate and do not eat right are setting themselves up for dementia over this. And, not focusing on metaphysical solutions is something conspiracy researchers are missing.


We need people who aren't fearful to spread the information. I've seen conspiracy theories ruin people's lives, though. I have a friend who calls everyone a satanist and can't have friends anymore. When I was focusing a lot on it, it really really fucked with my attitude and state.

Some people are meant for it. Most are not imo.

Yes, I know a guy who thinks the technique I outlined in my next blog is Satanic.

But, I also think you and I have already established we are not of the same opinion about most things.

And you do not seem to realize I operate with zero filter.