Weakness is beautiful and adventure aspects of life, we should find out our own loopholes so that we can build our own strategy to better than we are right now, weakness is something that can take people to worst and to their best but before judging weakness, we should ask what is the mother of weakness? My dear friend let me tell you today the world in which we are living today most of the judgment are set up on the basis of comparison ,even in case of weakness ,the creation of weakness happens when we compare with someone else , something with something else or specially when we compare our points or grades with others . Literally if there is no comparison there is nothing like weakness….
Comparison 😐
If I say I am weak in something somehow I am comparing myself with other , as I say I am weak in mathematics I say so because when I compare myself with Arindam sil one of my friend who is god gifted in Mathematics so I am comparing myself with him,,
But the idea of comparing our self with other is good at some point of time and some point of level when we use it wisely , when we are comparing our self with others somehow we are discovering our own loopholes this also allows us the room in which we can improvised ,it allows us to identify our own loopholes through which we can excel towards our definition of masterpiece ….
Weakness may lead to fiasco but it can proved as boon for us also we can divide or classify our weakness into 3(three) categories and it will help us to develop our personality and and overcome our weakness, it will allow to change our perspective towards our weakness
The first classification of weakness
Weakness to be ignored -------
This type of weakness does not affect our quality of life, this type of weakness does not really happen or effect our core competency , if I am weak in singing it will not affect my core competency , even if Mukesh Ambani or any organizational leader are weak about accountancy they can hire some other accountant ,so we can overcome such type of weakness so I am categorizing such type of weakness on weakness to be ignored ,so we can simply ignore such weakness ,you don’t need to be perfect ,some of the most beautiful things on earth are not perfect ,no matter how much you try there will be many things in which we can’t be stronger enough ….but now a days most of the youth worrying so much about the thing for which they can actually worry the least ,so the bottom line is if the weakness is not in your control mean that the weakness to be ignored ,if the weakness is not relevant for your goal ,objective or purpose of life that weakness is to be ignored ,if the weakness is not effecting your core competency that weakness is to be ignored ,if weakness is not affecting quality of life that weakness is to be ignored
2nd classification of weakness
2nd classification of the weakness is to be changed ;;:
this are the kind of weakness that does not allow you to move towards your dream destination and goal these are the weakness to be changed this are the kind of weakness that blocks you from achieving a higher potential this are the kind of weakness that does not allow you to move towards your dreams and goal ,
these are the weakness to be changed ,if you are a motivation speaker or organizational leader and one of the major weakness of your is public speaking and communication skill ,you need to change this weakness , if you are sports man or dancer and your body is not flexible that weakness is to be changed , if you are emotional fool , aggressive you are passive ,if you cannot really handle criticism ,you are egoistic you have limited believe system and you really love your comfort zone and this is not allowing you to march up towards the definition of masterpiece then these are the weakness to be changed ,when you start working on such weakness you will start amplifying your level of performance , so I should say its high or peak time for us to categorize types of weakness that we have ,,if weakness is blocking us towards reaching our path of destination then yes !this type of weakness must be changed ,once we change such weakness may be the game of life may change ,these are not weakness to be ignored ,these are the weakness in which we should work ..
3rd classification of weakness
The third classification of weakness is weakness to be redefined; ;
these are the tiger wearing the skin of ship. They look like the weakness but they have the potential to be our leading strength towards our success ,but we need to change our perspective towards such weakness or in simple words we need to redefine such weakness and this weakness will flip into one of the major strength ,we need to shape our weakness towards success
This is worth reading dude
Thnx medha😀