What is a scar?
The dictionary defines scar as a mark left on the skin or within body tissue where a wound, burn, or sore has not healed completely and fibrous connective tissue has developed.
But if you ask me i would say a scar means "i survived"
Life isn't about avoiding the bruises, i think life is more about collecting the scars to prove we showed up for it. Your scars should not be a mark of shame but a mark of strength because every healed white line marks a time you could have giving up but you didn't. Scars do not define where you are going, what they do is they simply show where you have been and what you have gone through. Everyone's got a story, but the different between them and yours is just that yours has pictures to go with it.
The scar shows that you were stronger from what tried to hurt you. Often times we look at our scars like ugly marks, but sometimes lets try to consider them as nice things. Lets see more as symbols that something painful in the past had been healed. Lets learn to move on tho the lessons can be extremely painful and leave the scars on our heart and soul. But the scar themselves are the proof that we have survived.
What deep wounds ever closed without a scar?
Scars are there to tell a story, they are a reminder of times when life tried to break us but failed. They are markings of where the structure of our character was welded. What you did earlier in your life absolutely has no relevance now, what happened in the past shouldn't matter not even once. Take a look at yourself in the mirror, what is important are not the scars, but the determination in your eyes to move ahead and go far.
Scars aren't an imperfection, they're representation of your ability to overcome anything that stands in your way.
Now here is the trick
When a bowl is broken in japan..it's put back together with the cracks being filled with gold creating a beautiful lining.
This is to emphasize the beauty in what was once broken, they believe when something has suffered damage and has history it makes it more beautiful and the same goes for human beings...
Everything that you've been through and everything that you're going through doesn't make your life uglier although it may seem that way when we're going through it. It's up to us to choose to paint our struggles with gold and make it beautiful. Remember you are not broken beyond repair, you can pick yourself up and learn from what's happened and become a better person from it because of the struggle that you've been through.
You can wear your scars proudly as a badge of honor as if to say "look at what i've been through" it's made me who i am today and i can get through anything life puts in front of me now. Nobody has had a perfect life and nobody ever will, it's only up to us if we choose to paint our broken pieces gold and make it more beautiful.
Don't be ashamed of what happened to you, everything that has happened to you has happened to you for a reason. So the more we deny, the more we complain and don't accept what's happened to us then it doesn't become useful. The moment that we accept and find what's useful in the struggle and the things that we've been through. That's just like us painting the cracks in our broken pieces gold, turning something that could be ugly into something beautiful and inspiring.
When what you have been through is an inspiration for other people then it was all worth it. So don't get stuck on how things used to be, i once heard a quote that said "every next level of your life will demand a new you and sometimes it takes being broken in order to become that new version of yourself".
So if you're going through hard times i hope this post can help you or somebody that you love...
Thanks for your time...
still your girl
I have gone through alot. But the made me what i am today. Now looking back, am happy i went through those hard times.
Nice post dear
thanks dear..i'm glad you didn't allow them pull you back..
seems you are in uyo...we can connect..are you on discord?
Ok dear i will send you a message or request
All these Uyo girls want to come and kill this community with beauty.
great post dear...we shouldn't really be afraid of our scars..instead we should be proud that we survived it.
i like my scars, i want more actually. nice post upvoted.
i'm glad you're not ashame of it..nice one
You really want more? Hehe
Beautiful @famouzqueen we all carry scars it is how we bear them. They most definitely mould us into who we are.
very true..
These are deep words from a deep person.Wow! If what you hoped to achieve was to blow my mind then you have over-achieved that @famouzqueen.
Our scars really don't define our future...but they help to tell our history...just for the biographers by the time you hit success.
Nice work dear!!! Remain awesome...
thanks @nairadaddy..
Scars may never leave but we can either use them as a reason not to be hurt anymore and move or an excuse not to move on.
This post will help anyone in hard times
i really hope so @samstickkz..thanks
@famouzqueen A scar if managed well can beautify everything, in relationship scar has helped to reunite and make a relationship stronger. for me a scar is an experience. @theheralds
you are right..a scar can really reunite and make a relationship stronger
You are right everybody has a past but the future matters. @famouzqueen
@tfame3865 the future matters a lot..all we just need to do is let go of the past and look at what is infront of us..
Indeed, everyone has a story. Nice post
I'm happy to see this kind of post lifting peoples lives. one thing that I've learned is we are DOTS. A simple smile, note or even Hi we smile back.. we reach out... and also say hello.
We are connected! We are here. I am here. Hard times ain't hard if you have somebody to talk to.
I am a survivor I swear..my mom tried to leave everlasting scars on my skin but she failed..they all healed and all gone..haha. Nice post dear. All the shit av been through are in the past now and I got bigger while going through them so the scars are all wiped. Very beautiful post.