
For reason # 3

Scam or Fraud

Seems I am not experienced to understand this part, I thought he is a good guy with plenty of knowledge. Can you explain how he is doing scan or fraud?

You just seem too lazy to look. Start here and just do internet searches for his name and the words scam.

You have your way of watching at scenarios, most people have different priorities rather than searching scam about everyone. I might be lazy but not lazy enough to ask/search about someone when I hear the news ;) Thanks for help by the way.

If you are going to listen to someone in regards to how to make money, it is good to investigate.

I love to see the positive side, there might be some points where we can disagree with Jerry but there are many where we have to agree he is helping people in different ways.

But it is not Jerry writing these words. His blog is written for him, he is a fraud.