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RE: Is life a source code running on a computer over and over?

in #life9 years ago

I have think about time as a fake physical dimension. What is time? just a contract? We don't have a sense of time unless our heartbeat starts. Once we are dead and the heart stops everything freezes. At least based on our scientific approach. And I think we are in the same both as what I was trying to convey by using 'the source code' is that everything might have happened or programmed. If so, is it possible for some sort of hacker to break the code?


Stephen Hawking famously discusses 'imaginary time' in his book A Brief History of Time - I think it's relevant here. When asked by Colbert (paraphrasing here) "If there's one thing you want people to understand in your work ... what would that be?", he pointed to Imaginary Time

(one minute and 20 second mark about)

Time is nothing but movement through space - its a phenomenon of cognition, lending hand to complete the awareness experience. Time as we know it on a clock is completely made up. Time is relative to your position to other objects and your position in Space-Time. If you really break it all down - everything we experience is illusory and nothing is "real." Everything is experienced in our minds, and only our minds are able to decide that it is real - thus giving birth to the cognitive reality we experience as real.