A real lazy river

in #life7 years ago

If you have ever been to a waterpark there is always a part that the non thrill seekers like to hang out in or that you use if you just want to take a break but still want to be in the water.

the lazy river

Well, yesterday we did the same thing but not in a waterpark, we got to experience this in an actual river. It is apparently quite a popular activity in Switzerland in Summer and I had heard about it but had never taken part.
(who is really not active enough on steem) I must say this was an amazing experience and one I will repeat for sure. It was mostly organised by another steemian called @ccyril


So to give you some perspective this was the river that we followed and it took us 4 hours. We were 16 people and Graf the dog. So the logistics alone of getting everyone at the right place with all these inflatable devices (boats, rings, sups, etc) was not as easy as one would think, especially because its not a circle you are taking.

So our ingenious organiser came up with this master plan.

He even made a video of it explaining everything but I am going to spare you that today. Even the weather gods were kind to us as it was a nice 35 degrees outside and we hit a bit of summer rain for 20 minutes a little over halfway through.



So here is the whole group at the beginning and then I will leave you with some pictures that were made along the way to give you a nice impression of what we had to "suffer" through this amazing Saturday afternoon.

So after a while the whole group came together and tied all the boats to one another forming some sort of giant raft. I do not think that someone ended up staying in the same place during the whole ride. There were people jumping of, playing a bit of water volleyball, climbing back on, changing places. My SUP was also very popular as there were many attempts at headstands and handstands (some even successful) A successful handstand is longer then 2 seconds so @ccyril is out but Gregory mastered it like a champion.

The only sad thing was that we lost 2 pairs of sunglasses and a pair of swimming goggles along the way. But on the other hand we had fun and really enjoyed our time with some nice background music, a floating picnic and a little not to cold beer (need to figure that one out for next time)



So if you live in Switzerland and have not done this, I can really recommend it...
Are there other Steemians that do similar things in their country? please let me know

I know I had fun.


Hahaha thanks @felander for your article, indeed not active enough for sure! I'll get back into it.

Very cool article :-)

Really lazy it is..

sometimes lazy is good, but only sometimes

Wow, that was cool man...

the water was actually kinda warm, was really good temperature :-)

Looks like you love your sunglasses more than every thing lol.

not more then every thing but they were really good glasses

Just kidding

that looks fun...and relaxing..

can you consume alcohol on the floaties ?

you can if you want to, its a free country
we had brought a few beers but they were warm very quickly so I skipped em, do not like warm beer :-)

There are laws sometimes against drinking on manned boats. ..hence the question

I would dip the bottles under water.. keep em cool

the water was 20 degrees ish so that would not really have helped, lol but yea... next time we bring ice

wow...that's quite warm for a river...

But some times lazy river is good for swimming

it was amazing for swimming as well