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RE: If homosexuality really were a disease and was removed with a vaccine, would homosexuals take it?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

First of all, the word "cure" for something that isn't a disease is unintelligent. I want to clear this up even though I know @jadams2k18 probably understands this, but it might not occur to other people.

Second, the question itself is as pertinent as asking "if there was a cure for boys whose favourite color isn't blue..." If they like blue, yellow, pink, green, gray or whatever, it doesn't matter. It's just one detail from who they are as a whole.

The origin behind homophobia is the same as racism: ignorant and selfish elitism. "There should only be those who are like me." The whole existence of this discussion points to how imbecile humanity in general really is.

Last but not least, I've read that whenever a family has too many sons or daughters, the younger ones have a homosexual tendency. This theory fits well as a species defensive mechanism against overpopulation, but sort of efficient over an incredibly long period time instead of sudden bursts of reaction.


Your answer is very interesting and you may also be right that nature finds its way to control the population. Obviously, in a man-controlled environment, everything became a disaster and we could see them with the mouse experiment.

But I wanted to know what effect a vaccine that would remove their sexual orientation would have on the gay community. Would they take it willingly? Or would they fight for their rights? Would governments force them? And religion?

And who knows, with the advances of science and genetics we may be one step away from this to happen.

It's always good to be prepared for any situation. Our imagination can show us solutions long before problems happen.

Thanks for commenting

Would they take it willingly? Or would they fight for their rights? Would governments force them? And religion?

No, yes, yes and yes. Being a homo is part of them. Would you willingly take a drug that made you not be jadams, or at least be less jadams? You deserve the choice. You would fight for being able to choose. Russia and Korea already take away that choice without the need of cures. A lot of religious groups and individuals would certainly resort to force, simply because they can hide behind their faith to "justify" their actions.

Thanks for commenting

It's a great post! :)

That's right! My friend! Governments and religious sects would force people to take the vaccine.

I would never take a drug that would make me stop being who I am. I would only take it if it somehow harmed others around me. And yet I would also think twice before making a decision.

Russia and Korea already take away that choice without the need of cures.

I didn't know about that

Thanks again. I'm glad you showed me your point of view