Russian reality #1 : Preface

in #life8 years ago

Hello guys!

I want to tell you about my life in Russia, in worst country all over the World. I live in Russia since the birth and I know about what I speak. For a start I would like to apologize for English skills. I learned English independently on an extent of year as at school I didn't get a due education.

Few words about me

I was born in Moscow in 1998. My family lives in poverty in spite of the fact that we live in the capital of our "great" country. Now I study in IT college at the 4th course.

What will be in my blog?

In my blog i try to tell you all about Russian reality as it is. I want to tell about work, salary, education and other fields of activity in Russia. If it interested you, subscribe for my blog.

Probably, in the course of writing my blog I will a little increase my English level.

If you found a mistake in the text, please, write in comments where I made it. It will help me to improve my English. 


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