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RE: Have You Reconciled With Your Parents?

in #life7 years ago

As usual, I am the person who does not fit these statements. My mother was a B@#$@ who hated me from the day I was born. I was actually relieved when she finally died. I am completely different and if I ever find myself doing the things she did, I would beat myself. My dad on the other hand, we are opposites also on many things about life, but the ones that really matter, we are the same. My dad is my best friend and while I may not always do what he would prefer, I always listen to what he says and weight it for my personal life to see if it would work before rejecting it.


I feel a lot of pain in your words.
I'm sorry about the relationship difficult and complex that you had with your mother.
However, I am glad that you and your father has created a respectful, loving,
and meaningful relationship, With the understanding that even if your opinions,
thinking, behavior, and choices are different, this cannot disrupt or destroy
the relationship But only to grow and develop within and from it.
I hope that even though your mother get out of your life, and you cannot get Closure together,
You can find or create within yourself comfort, reconciliation, and peace.

Thank you, actually I already have reached those goals and many more. I had to learn that simply giving birth does not guarantee a loving relationship. There are many mothers who should never have allowed themselves to become pregnant. But her abusive ways can only cause me harm if I allow them to and I have decided I will not allow that. I can enjoy life and strive for the stars just as well as anyone else.

I agree with you @fernowl13, you should see what I wrote about the subject of the children