The Prophecies of Jules Verne

in #life7 years ago

In the ship (that appears in the graph) travels three astronauts. It was launched from a city located in a Cape of Florida state, in the United States, the country that is the promoter of this trip, bound for the Moon. They take off escaping Earth gravity with a push of 11 kilometers per second, and will require 97 hours of flight to reach Earth's satellite, which are 4 days and 1 hour. The ship had a refrigeration system based on a closed circuit, carries concentrated foods, and has secondary rockets. In addition, it was protected with walls of aluminum of 20 centimeters, and according to the calculations, cost about 12 million dollars. On this occasion they will not alunizarán, but will orbit several times 'around the Moon', and later they will return to the earth, where the spacecraft will fall in the Pacific Ocean and will come floating ... "

This is a narrative of the voyage around the Moon, but not that of the Apollo 8, launched from the Cape Canaveral Center in Florida, which began on December 21, 1968, and was the first manned mission to leave Earth orbit, arrive and orbit to the Moon, and finally return to Earth ...
The narrative corresponds to the novels "Of the Earth to the Moon" and "Around the Moon" of Julio Verne published 14 of October of 1865 and 4 of November of 1869, respectively, where the trip of the Apollo 8 is detailed , but, more than a century before it happened! ... Was it a Universal Consciousness that allowed him to glimpse the Future? ...

Illustration of the spacecraft that goes to the Moon from the novel by Jules Verne "Around the Moon .. You can see the similarity with the real ship that orbited the Moon, the Apollo 8"

How could Jules Verne write, rather accurately describe, the voyage of the Apollo 8, before he even invented a flying machine that could take flight? ... Let us remember that the Wright brothers made the first glide in a rustic and only for a few minutes, on December 17, 1903, almost 4 decades later of Verne's writing ... and before they managed to fly, they were the laughingstock because very few could believe it. Not to mention traveling to space or to the moon.

The Prophets and the Sacred Books

What Jules Verne wrote looked like an episode of a vision, or a dream, where Verne somehow perceived fragments of the future. In its time, England or France, were the powers in the middle of the industrial revolution, so it is extremely strange that in the United States of America, for that moment in the midst of the conquest of the west, the space travel to the Moon. And it seems impossible that he had thought of a small Cape, of the almost uninhabited state of Florida, the base of rocket launches. It seems therefore that a prophecy or prophecy is evident what Verne did, but instead of being written in a "sacred book", he narrated it in one of his famous novels.
A prophecy is a supernatural gift that consists in knowing by "divine inspiration" things distant or future. But, the existence of differences between the terms prophecy and prediction could be considered. The Dictionary does not mark such precise limits in the sense of the word prediction, when pointing out that to predict means to announce by revelation, science or conjecture something that has to happen. Therefore, prediction may involve a supernatural gift, a logical-rational process, or a more or less subjective judgment based on clues or observations. On the contrary, most of the meanings of the dictionary referred to the word prophecy indicate that it would be a "supernatural gift", that is, that it would be "inspired by God". Thus, prophecies are placed mainly in the field of faith, without necessarily linking them to a reasoning in predicting the predicted outcome.

The Prophet Ezekiel

If we read the book of Ezekiel of the Bible, which narrates from chapter 1 to 26, the following: "I looked, and I saw a hurricane wind coming from the north, and a great cloud with a blazing fire and a glow around it ... In the midst of the fire, I saw the figure of four living beings ... Each had four wings ... His legs were straight; his feet like calf's hooves, and shone like the brilliance of burnished bronze ... His wings were touching one another ... His wings were spread outwards: each had two wings that touched each other and others two covering their bodies.... Among these living creatures there was a fire like burning coals, like torches, which stirred in their midst; the fire was shining, and rays came out of it ... I looked at the living creatures, and I saw that on the ground beside each one there was a wheel. The appearance of the wheels was as brilliant as the topaz and the four had the same shape. As for its structure, it was as if one wheel were tucked inside another. The four wheels ... were full of eyes, all around. When the living creatures advanced, the wheels also advanced beside them, and when the living beings rose above the ground, the wheels also rose. They went where the spirit propelled them, and the wheels rose at the same time, because the spirit of the living beings was in the wheels. As they advanced, the wheels advanced, and when they stopped, the wheels stopped (...) On the heads of living beings, there was a kind of dome shining like glass ... I heard the sound of its wings when they they advanced: it was like the noise of torrential waters, (...) like the noise of a multitude or of an army encamped. When they stopped, they retracted their wings ... And there was a rumble on the dome above their heads and inside the dome ... there was something like a sapphire stone, with a figure of a throne; and on top of that kind of throne, at the top, a man-like figure ... Dressed as a glow of electro, something like a fire that surrounded him from what appeared to be his waist down; I saw something like a fire and a clarity around him ... like the appearance of the rainbow that appears in the clouds on rainy days, so was the clarity that surrounded it. This was the aspect ... of the likeness of God. When I saw it, I fell on my face and heard a voice speaking ... "

In the midst of the fire, I saw the figure of four living creatures (Ezekiel Chapter 1 of the Bible) ... How would an Aboriginal describe him if he saw ships or planes?

What Ezekiel relates in The Bible obviously had to be an encounter with different beings who came "sitting" in their pilot positions, in a cabin, in space suits, in a ship with wings and engines that produced "the noise of torrential waters, "or the" thunder of a multitude "and had wheels with wheels and nuts:" it was as if one wheel were tucked into another ... and I saw that the wheels were full of eyes. "
Ezekiel could not understand that the only living beings were those who were on the ships, and not these flying machines with wings and engines: "each had two wings that touched each other and two that covered their body ..."
For Ezekiel, the different beings and their ships, all were living beings and Gods. The chief of the air or space squadron and who talks to him, it is understandable that he branded it God, Lord, Jehovah, Almighty, Omnipotent, Supreme Being, Heavenly Power, or other names that, in the Bible, or in any of the Books Sacred, of other cultures or religions, describe in their writings.
Ezekiel lived thousands of years ago. For him everything that existed was the region where he lived, and he did not know any machine or engine, much less a plane or a spaceship. He could not assume that what he saw was the future or came from the future. If he had a vision, or dreamed what he wrote, he certainly referred to another time and space, different from the one he inhabited.
In the same way we think of Jules Verne. He must have "seen" or viewed what he tells in his novels. But already living in the 19th century, it is our opinion, which did not dare to say it, as a prophecy, much less a divine vision, preferring to write a novel of "science fiction" and avoid public scorn.
Ezekiel is the third of the Major Prophets in the Tanakh and one of the major prophetic books of the Old Testament, after Isaiah and Jeremiah. According to the book itself, it records seven visions of the prophet Ezekiel. His later influence influenced the development of mystical and apocalyptic traditions in Second Temple Judaism, rabbinical Judaism, and Christianity.

The prophet Jonah

God made a great fish to swallow Jonah, and it remained in the fish's belly three days and three nights "(Book of Jonah, 2: 1) Would it be a land submarine or a ship from other parts or another dimension of space and time

The Book of Jonah is a biblical book of the Old Testament and the Hebrew Tanakh, which in the Christian Bibles is located between the books of Obadiah and Micah.
The book relates that Jonah refused to obey Yahveh on his way to Tarshish, and then God sent a large fish to swallow Jonah. After three days of staying in the fish's belly during which Jonah prayed, Yahweh gave the order that the fish would vomit Jonah, throwing him to the mainland ... We wondered whether this happened or was a dream or a vision of Jonah ? What leads us to ask if what he "saw" rather would be an underwater ship, or a ship from other parts, or another dimension of space and time ?, which the prophet of "God" interpreted as sane to the knowledge that they had in that distant epoch.

The Prophet Jules Verne

Now let's see what the novelist and father of science fiction Jules Verne prophesied.
Regardless of the precision described by Verne, in his two novels on the voyage to the Moon, on Apollo 8, in 1863 he had written the novel "Paris in the twentieth century", that it is a young man who lives in Paris, in a "Glass skyscraper", that is, a construction system that came decades later. In this novel, Jules Verne tells us about the "world communications network", when for the date there was no radio, no television, much less the Internet. At the same time, the young man lives in the midst of "high-speed trains, automobiles of explosion or gas, and uses calculators. All this predicted Verne, while pointing out that in the twentieth century people would be obsessed with money.

In another of his books, "Twenty Thousand Leagues Underwater", in addition to specifying how a submarine would be and operated, which I call "Nautilus", a ship that had not yet been invented, explains how the bulbs work, and the engines electrical connections. It is noteworthy that it was two decades later, on January 27, 1880, that the patent was granted to the creation of the first electric lamp, or incandescent light bulb, with the number 223,898 to Thomas Alva Edison. He also tells us about an electric weapon that uses electric bullets or "electric containers", which he calls "Leyden bottles", in which electricity accumulates at very high voltage. Which with a slight touch are discharged, and who receives this discharge dies.

In the work of Julio Verne, "Before the Flag" the vicissitudes of a scientist who creates a very powerful weapon are narrated: The flashbulb Roch, in a clear allusion to the atomic bomb, and the flying projectile that contains it ("missile" we would call it today) is based on the use of a pneumatic cannon. He also introduces us to the flamethrower.

This novel, along with another one by the same author. "The Five Hundred Million Begun", is considered as the revelation or prophecy of weapons of mass destruction, especially the nuclear bomb. In this book the reader will be able to see Jules Verne's particular vision of the power that money and technology can exert over modern society, through a fabulous wealth that is inherited by two very different men. In it, characters of the novel devise and manufacture weapons of destruction more modern, powerful and deadly than any other. Chemical weapons like the projectile filled with carbon dioxide are presented.
Likewise, Verne predicts in this novel the totalitarian governments that will arise in the twentieth century. In these regimes people have no identity of their own, and are forced to live in a totalitarian regime similar to Nazism or communism.

Verne writes about what we know today as "cluster bombs." The author writes about a projectile that has 100 small guns in it, and that after having launched it, it explodes next to its small guns that shoot bullets loaded with incendiaries in all the directions.

Books by Jules Verne in France on Rue de l'Odéon

In "Robur the Conqueror" Jules Verne tells us how a ship with masts, and a powerful internal machine, probably electric, turns the propellers. Thus, the author refers to a kind of helicopter. In order to prevent it from turning on itself in flight, propellers are used which rotate in the opposite direction to the torque of the main propellers like the current helicopters, and illustrates us on an artificial satellite.

Jules Verne in "The day of an American journalist in 2890", article published by in 1889 the author writes:

"How much more admirable would modern cities look with their one-hundred-meter-wide avenues, with their three-hundred-meter-high houses, with an ever-increasing temperature, and the sky scattered by thousands of aircrafts (jumbo jets) and aerobuses ). Compared with those cities, whose population sometimes reaches ten million inhabitants, what were these towns, those rancherías of a thousand years ago, those Parises, those London, those Berlines, those New Yorks, those muddy and badly ventilated villages in which they circulated boxes that were stumbling, pulled by horses ... Yes, horses! Not to be believed! If travelers remembered the defective operation of ships and trains, their frequent collisions, and also their slowness, what importance would the air carriers (passenger aircraft) have for them, and especially those pneumatic tubes, thrown through the oceans, and that they transfer them at a speed of fifteen hundred miles per hour? Anyway, would not the telephone and the TV (TV) be enjoyed more, remembering the old devices of Morse and Hugues, so insufficient for the rapid transmission of news (Internet networks)?

Also, it tells us about the "fonotelefoto", which today would be video calls, air conditioning, radio news, although Radio only appeared in the twenties of the twentieth century, and telecommunications (Television was invented in 1948 and made present in the decade of the '50). These telecommunications in the same way as on Earth, are made with other planets (via satellites). To make matters worse, this article explains transplants in humans: "That stomach is no longer good! That stomach is getting old! But the surgery has progressed so much! We'll have to put a new one on it ... You know, we have spare stomachs, with a two-year guarantee ... "
In the same article, it alludes to "atmospheric advertising" and says that everyone has seen those huge notices in the clouds, so large that they can be seen from complete cities. We understand that it refers to aerial advertising with white smoke made by aircraft in the skies.

In "A Floating City" Verne shows us the great transatlantics, and tells about talking dolls.

In "The House of the Steam" it predicts the tanks of war that will be used in the warlike conflagrations of century XX.

Julio Verne is recognized for his vision of anticipating future discoveries and historical events, such as: The discovery of the sources of the Nile mentioned in "Five weeks in a balloon", and the conquest of the poles, recorded in "The Adventures of Captain Hatteras " and " 20,000 leagues of underwater travel "... It was 40 years after Robert Peary reached the North Pole, and Ernest Shackleton to the Antarctic.

Jules Verne also wrote about electrified fences, sound cinema, pollution and the ecological city, completing a series of prophecies that were later accurately fulfilled, such as when he speaks of a telescope 5 meters in diameter. Verne places a 5-meter-diameter telescope in the Rocky Mountains, which is a system of mountain ranges located in the western part of North America and running parallel to the west coast, from British Columbia in the northwest, and arriving to the southwest of U.S. The location and diameter are almost identical to the first telescope at Monte Palomar, 5 meters 5 centimeters in diameter, located in San Diego, California. By the way, in the first experimental trip to space, Jules Verne incorporates animals. Let's remember Laika, the dog that the Soviets launched on the first space voyage and the chimpanzee monkeys sent by NASA to orbit Earth. Verne's ship that reaches the moon is called "Columbiad" and carries three men. The Apollo XI module was called "Columbia" and also took 3 men.

Journey to the Center of the Earth in its Chinese version translated by Lu Xun

Unfulfilled Prophecy

Jules Verne is the author of the novel "Journey to the Center of the Earth" (1864). In this book, there are the adventures of characters who follow a route "intra-terrestrial, crossing from Iceland to Sicily, and even encountering underground oceans, and prehistoric creatures.
Up to the present it is not known that there is an intra-terrestrial route. However, we must note that Hollow Earth belief or intra-terrestrial belief is an affirmation that within the planet Earth there are very evolved underground civilizations, called "intra-terrestrial". Proponents of this belief argue that there are two openings, one at each pole, as well as a system of galleries designed to communicate distant locations through the subsoil. Another common argument among believers of this theory is that the exploration of the interior of the Earth has not been significant, since the maximum drilling, realized in the Kola Superfine Well in Siberia, is 12.3 km, 0.1% of the earth's diameter.
In the same way, some affirm that the intra-terrestrial world exists because the Christian writer Paul of Tarsus wrote: "... that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow to those in the heavens and on the earth and under the earth ... and every tongue confess that Jesus the Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. "(Apostle Paul, in Letter to the Philippians 2: 10-11)
The Christian writer John the Evangelist wrote: "And no one, neither in heaven nor on earth, nor under the earth, could open the book, nor even look at it." (Apostle John, in Revelation 5: 3)
However, it is necessary to consider that in the Judeo-Christian culture the term "under the earth" refers to the place of the dead, or to the grave. Also, formerly, because of Greek influence, it was believed that hell was located in the interior of the Earth.
The writer Hwee-Yong Jang in The Gaia Project states - without providing evidence - that the interior of the Earth contains the survivors of the disappeared continents of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean - such as Atlantis, Lemuria, and Hyperborea - and which have formed a much more developed civilization than ours.
Hollow Earth beliefs are based on statements contrary to scientific knowledge about Earth. The geological studies have been able to determine, thanks to the analysis of seismic waves, that the Earth is structured in layers formed by molten rock and other elements.

Journey to the Center of the Earth in the Disney Park of Tokyo, Japan

Who was Jules Verne?

He was a French writer, poet and playwright, famous for his novels of science and fiction. He studied to follow in the footsteps of his father as a lawyer, but very young decided to abandon that path to dedicate to writing. His collaboration with the publisher Pierre-Jules Hetzel resulted in the creation of Extraordinary Journeys, a popular series of scrupulously documented and visionary adventure novels.
Jules Verne is one of the most important writers in France and throughout Europe, thanks to the obvious influence of his books on avant-garde literature and surrealism, and since 1979 is the second most translated author in the world. He is considered as the father of science fiction. He was decorated with the Legion of Honor for his contributions to education and science.

Secret life?
His life contains a great mystery, derived from his predictions, revelations or prophecies, which are inexplicable. Some speculate that, although he did not describe any time machine, he had the ability to "see" or "travel" to the future.
For years, it has been speculated that Jules Verne belonged to secret societies such as Masonry, the Rosicrucian Order, or such a "Society of the Fog," or the "Angelica Society," say followers of his publications. It is theorized about secrets and there is the urban legend among its fans who before burning incinerated part of his unpublished writings, just as there are messages encoded or encrypted in his books.

This is a reproduction of a runic cryptogram that appears in Chapter II of Journey to the Center of the Earth

The Key Questions for Understanding Prophecies

From a religious point of view, the prophets and their prophecies would be inspired by God. Basically, the sacred books of different religions point out that either a God appeared to them and told them what to do, or they dreamed or had visions where God or God would have guided or delivered the revelations.
Another interpretation comes from the scholars of the ancestral astronauts. Which indicate that the Earth has been visited, or by aliens who played the role that the sacred books attributed to God, or by humans of other times and spaces, known as time travelers, who intervened and influenced the life of the Earth and its inhabitants.

The key questions are:

1. Who can have knowledge of all things and when do they occur? Where does knowledge come from?

2. Why and how can some people come into contact with that total knowledge and through whom?

We conceive of God as something more than everything contained in the Universe, because God is the Universe, but with self-consciousness. When we speak of a Universal Consciousness we mean Presence, Divine Providence, or, if you prefer, to God.
For some reason, this Presence or Divine Providence has allowed us to accede to its Universal Consciousness, to its own consciousness, first, sowing that kind of genetic code of search of God that makes us instinctively recognize that there is that consciousness. No matter how primitive man was, but from his appearance he sensed something immanent, something that transcended it as being, signs that indicated how to act beyond the instincts. Something that empowered him to speak, to think and to converse with him, with God. Sparks of thoughts, of intuitions that led him to use the fire, to invent tools, and to conceive from the wheel to the most novel inventions. The union with the Universal Consciousness has led us to conceive the unimaginable and to imagine, to conceive or if you like, to fantasize even with the immortality that today science no longer denies and dares to glimpse.
We exist in body, mind and consciousness, within God, in Divine Providence ... in the Universal Presence.
God is not "everywhere", "is" all the parts that make up an omnipresent Being.
In Chapter 17, verse 26 of the book "Acts of the Apostles" in the Christian Bible, the apostle Paul writes: "He created, from one beginning, the whole human race, to dwell on all the face of the earth, fixing the determined times and the limits of the place where they were to inhabit, in order that they might seek the divinity, to see if they groped for it and found it, although it is not far from each one of us; he lives, we move and we exist ... ".

At that time, how could the Christian apostle Paul interpret his intuition that "in him we live, move and exist," when he did not even know the dimensions of the Earth, let alone the infinite dimension of the Universe. or to infer that his inspiration or enlightenment indicated to him that we lived or existed within the Presence of God, how a part of this Presence, in communion with the Presence?
Not only do religions give us the message, knowledge transmitted by Divine Providence, scientist and brilliant thinker Stephen Hawking, in his book The Great Design expresses that "The origin of the Universe does not need a creator, but could have been created himself out of nothing. "
The logic is clear, if God can do everything, between creating human life, he could also create himself, and although the question of how it could be created, if it did not exist, has not found an answer in science, only intuition and foreboding can enlighten us about this Universal Presence.

This post was translated from: El Profeta Julio Verne y sus Revelaciones