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RE: Sometimes I Wish I Could Take The Blue Pill Every Day

in #life8 years ago

Hello, @calaber24p! Nice to see you here:)
I know exactly what you feel.
The world now is absolutelly fucked up, and as soon as we get a little bit older, we start to understand that everything that we were thaught is absolutely up side down. And as soon as you start to discover it more, you find more and more prooves that it's even worse.
This is the wirld we are liveing in. The heritage that is left to us by our parents and grandparents. With all the wars, nature polution, ridiculous behaviour, stupid stereotipes, violence and many many other things...
And when you understand it, it seems, that you are in a deep pice of shit and you proboly can't change nothing. It's hard even to talk to people sometimes. So senceless and pour the conversations nowadays. It even can lead to a dipression, and then you are looking for this so called "blue pill".
But I will please you my friend, everything is not so bad, how it seems. On the othe side we have all the good things, all the technologies of our century - internet, planes, cars, phones. All the infornation in your hand right now. We have all the power in the world to make it better, to change it for good. The way you and me, and We want it to be. The same pover that Neo discovered, only when he died.
Of course it's all good words, and everyone can talk about it. But if we be real, how can we act? How can we make this beautiful world come true?
First of all, by thinking we already are creating our own reality. Becouse every thought is leading you to word and action, and this how is becomes real.
So by learning how to control your thoughts, you can already start to create a change that you want to see. Then by simply doing what you belive is right, you already coming closer to the place you want to be. Sharing your ideas with your friends, and showing an example, while acting yourself. It is the way we create our happy reality. Not following expectations, but doing what is right for You. Don't be sheep, be a man.
It seems to be hard and almost impossible, and you can say, that what you can change, cuz you are just a small peace in this ocean.
You are the ocean itself. We all are the world we are living in. And even one person, that is awake is already a big deal. All that we have was made by this individuals who was brave enought to go forvard to their dreams. Gandhi, Janna Dark, Galileo. From new ones Julian Assange and may others. There is a thousands of heroes every day, whos names we don't even know.
Even you, writting this post, you already did something in this world to change it better.
Thank you very much for it! And I hope my words will change your opinion and you will forget about the blue pill and start to live a happy life and change the world to make it better:)
Wish you love and happiness. @fess


Thanks for all awesome words of encouragement @fess I really appreciate it. I hope that I can affect people in the way that the people you mentioned have. Thanks again.