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RE: Hazy thoughts for the Sunday

in #life7 years ago

"And yes, I did have nice sleep last night so that has also effect to my sooth n smooth mood."
"I feel somewhat pleasant and almost happy with my little life."
So much pleasantries in a single text. It is so scary. if this continues we will likely see more of the satisfied Esc. like in those photos where you seem to have eaten too many goood mushrooms. You know like this one:


But the mushrooms were so so tasty! Not it's not shrooms but gt that warmed up my mind. I blame gin.

You, gin and the mushroom(s)? that sounds like a great kind of threesome. No wonder you look so happy.

:DD No wonder! But im exclusive kinda chick so only g&t ;)

now I am wondering about all the spicy details...Did it end quickly? Or did it last through the night?

The girl never kisses and tells.