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RE: Responsible Gun Ownership and Parenting

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I keep my pistol on my body while in the home. My children wrestle with me and play like normal too. It is a revolver in my front pocket within a holster, and I can draw it very quickly. Unlike other ways of carrying, my children can climb on me with no danger to them or me.

Yes, if you have a pistol in the house with little children, keep it locked up. Once they are past toddlers though, they should know the different from a toy and a real gun. Then even if you did accidentally leave your gun somewhere, they will not be in danger because of it.

I keep my rifles unloaded and unlocked however. My children cannot rack them, they know they are real, they do not play with them, and loading it would be very difficult for them. Leaving the rifles out as I do then is not a danger.

Remember too that your pistol is called a side arm for a reason. It is only meant to give you enough time to get to a rifle. :)


Very great point! We think very much the same.