FioreBird's Travel Series: MADELINE ISLAND, Part III

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Fiore’s Travel Series: Madeline Island, Part III
Madeline Island, Lake Superior – United States

[Madeline Island]

So today marks the last of my posts featuring the beautiful Madeline Island. The last two posts you were able to hear about Madeline Island and the beauty the island holds all year round, even in the snowy winter months.

If you would like to refer back to the last two posts to see the beauty of the island, now's your time, click below. There are some beautiful beach pictures included in each post. **Please note all photos and information in the posts are created by me, unless otherwise linked/noted.

Madeline Island, Part I, Winter:
Madeline Island, Part II, Summer:

Today, I am focusing on two important pieces I learned about while visiting the island...The first topic will feature some of the Native Ojibwe history local to the area, and the second, about one of the coolest places I've ever visited...located right on the island... Tom's Burnt Down Bar.

Native History on the Island
The island is packed with history. It is originally home to the Ojibwe Native tribe. If you are looking to learn more about the Ojibwe culture, check out the Madeline Island Museum.

In the museum, you will see the history of the Ojibwe people, including beadwork, clothes, and tools used years ago. Here is a link to the museum if you ever decide to visit,

sandy-lake-plaque1 coreymohan.jpg
[Source: Corey Mohan,

The picture below was at the public facilities at Big Bay Park. It was interesting to read about the islands name in the Ojibwe language, "mooningwanekaaning." Apparently, it is named after a bird which flickers (see image below).

[Big Bay Park Sign, Madeline Island]

On Madeline Island, you will see many of these signs using the Ojibwe language. It's really cool to see the island embracing the Ojibwe heritage in this way.

[Joni's Beach, Madeline Island - Image of a sign on the beach.]

[Joni's Beach, Madeline Island, Lake Superior]

There is also another bar off the beaten path on the island, called Bob's Bar. If you get the chance to visit, the owner had an old book that told us more about the island's Ojibwe history.

Here is a picture of the book called "People of the Lakes." He also had a beautiful drum hanging out in the lounge area.

[Image of "People of the Lakes" Book, Located at Bob's Bar, Madeline Island]

[A Beautiful Drum, Located at Bob's Bar, Madeline Island]

I played the drum to the popular Bob Marley tune, about "three little birds."

The bar itself was tucked away in the forest of trees. Wildlife like to also visit this place as there were a pair of deer and some geese outside in the backyard. The bartender went outside to feed the deer while we were inside.

...AND just like that, amidst auspicious timing, I happened to coincidentally open the "People of the Lakes" book to this page [imaged below] while conversing with my sister and my aunt about the "connections of life" and how everything happens for a reason... a motto many of the Ojibwe Native culture value. I was particularly moved by the quote on the top of the page, "If you do not move, you will be destroyed..."

[Image of "People of the Lakes" Book, Located at Bob's Bar, Madeline Island]

I felt the island was "spiritually" speaking to me while recently making some major life changes during this time... ridding debt, letting go of "things" and deciding to cut off and distance myself from unsupportive, and emotionally unhealthy relationships at the time.

Those changes I'm talking about... involve some of the hardest heart and soul work, and involve some of the most difficult decisions one will ever make in life... And those very same difficult choices can have such an impact on our paths, future, health, and happiness along the way. If you've been through anything difficult in life... I am sure you can understand and relate...

And so after the visit to Madeline, the real hard work began in embracing health, love, individuality as a woman, and supportive and positive relations. This is probably not a story I'd typically share here or anywhere, or with some people, I call acquaintances... but it's a part of the story at Madeline Island...

There was just something "spiritual" about being on the island.

[Image of "People of the Lakes" Book, Located at Bob's Bar, Madeline Island]

...Here's a random butterfly which landed upon my finger outside our condo on the last day visiting the island.

[Butterfly Love, Madeline Island]

...But, enough about my story and onto a completely unrelated topic... I want to tell you about the real shindig awesome place I visited while on the island as promised - Tom's Burnt Down Bar ...

Tom's Burnt Down Bar
It's pretty fun to hang out here, particularly in the summer months. Summer at Madeline usually happens between the months of May through September.

And as for Tom's Burnt Down Bar, the bar really did burn down, and the owner's embraced the burnt down cafe/bar as it stands today. There are a lot of quirky signs inside and outside the bar, and it’s all outdoors a few blocks from the lake. I wanted to feature this place separate from both the first two posts about Madeline as it is probably one of the coolest places to land... very unique and quirky.

See my images of Tom's bar below.

[Tom's Burnt Down Bar, Madeline Island]

They usually feature local musical talent too on the weekends in the summer, so make sure to stop on by for a visit to check it out. Below is a picture of the bar from outside.

[Tom's Burnt Down Bar, Madeline Island]

See the owner's website here for more info... FYI, his website, like the establishment, is pretty unique.

[Tom's Burnt Down Bar, Madeline Island]

[Tom's Burnt Down Bar, Madeline Island]

[Tom's Burnt Down Bar, Madeline Island]

[Tom's Burnt Down Bar, Madeline Island]

[Tom's Burnt Down Bar, Madeline Island]

[Tom's Burnt Down Bar, Madeline Island]

[Tom's Burnt Down Bar, Madeline Island]

[Tom's Burnt Down Bar, Madeline Island]

[Tom's Burnt Down Bar, Madeline Island]

Those signs are pretty cool huh? I think it's particularly interesting to be on vacation somewhere like Madeline, and to see all those inspiring quotes wherever you turn your eyes... all while experiencing the elements of the island... the wind, and the smells of the lake, and the pines, and the cool fresh summery air... a pure joyful puzzle piece to rest and peaceful serenity.

In conclusion to the Madeline Island posts, the island is a must see. It's a great place to create memories, to find some peace and rest, and to also have some fun.

...Until next time my friends...

[Fun times at Tom's Burnt Down Bar, Madeline Island]


FioreBird's Travel Series
POST 1 - Oregon:
POST 2 - Madeline Island, Part I:
POST 3 - Madeline Island, Part II:

...On a really random side note... The first post of the FioreBird Travel Series won first place in the recent travelpine contest. Our @kpine Steemit neighbor hosted it. The post was all about Oregon, located in the pacific north-west of the United States. If you like trees, check it out.

Coming Soon:
Pasadena, California
The Grand Canyon, Arizona
Duluth/Superior, Wisconsin Point, The North Shore
The Blue Dragonfly Inn - Cimarron, New Mexico
Totagatac Flowage - Minong, Wisconsin
Sliding Rock National Park - Sedona, Arizona
Long Beach, California
Venice, California
Santa Monica, California
Cozumel, Mexico

P. S. Don't forget to follow my account if you're interested in seeing more travel tips, and/or art, and photography series @fiorebird.


looks a great Island to visit i hope i can visit one day I will add to my list I have when BitCoin hits $100,000 I will be there haha let me know your thoughts on the list I will follow you I would love you to follow me Thanks

@newmarket65 Very cool idea to put Madeline Island as one of your features on your list. Let me know if you have any questions about it if you decide to do a feature on it.

Will do Thanks I have not done my US list yet but i will let you when i have and you can look it over for me Thanks

@newmarket65, would absolutely love to do so. I hope that some of my posts help inspire some of the places for your list in the U.S. too. :-)

Thanks I love your too

P.S.Love your emoji icon.

Thanks for sharing with us @fiorebird !

Tom's Burnt Down bar's signs sure evoked me so many emotions...mostly of confusion if i have to be honest 😅

Do you have a favourite among those given that you posted more than just few of them?


Hi @destrudo, thanks for the follow. I am glad those signs evoked some confusion. I think that's the purpose. My favorite one was the Sartre quote, "People are exactly as free and independent as they choose to be." What about you?

Thank you all for your beautiful comments. I am happy to hear you liked the Madeline Island series, and hope it inspires a visit. Next up, tomorrow morning, will be a grand ole place in Arizona, hope you can catch it. :-)

The meteor crater site in Arizona is very cool. If you get a chance to see it I highly recommend. I'd love to go back.

@astaroche I am glad to hear you enjoy the travel posts. I have never been to the meteor site in AZ, but I bet judging from what I have seen of Arizona it is beautiful!

It's beautiful that they honor the Ojibwa by retaining the native language everywhere. California should do that.

Interesting quote. I wonder what context that was written under.

Hey that bar needs more scorch marks. Looks like it's made from debris that ends up on shore.

@steemseph, the context of the quote from what I read in the book... I believe meant to move to a place where food is abundant, and grows on water, much like wild rice does in that area.., and not to mention the fish in the lake... But as everything in life, I think that quote can be applied in life in different areas, and can be further interpreted... To me (at least at the time) it meant to embrace and manifest health and change, and the universal guidance we can receive in times of growth.

Also, Tom's bar would be pretty cool if they had some torches outside, but I like the debris/signs they use for this place... It's pretty chill. ;-)

Amazing Place and Photos. Thanks for sharing. #adsactly #absolutenews

I very much enjoy your feed. These travel posts are super interesting. I hope to get to travel like this for my photography as well someday. I travel the US currently. Keep up the posts!

Woow.. awesome. The best place I’ve see.. may be someday i will take a trip to go there. :)

the history and cultureof this place is really intriguing ...loved all the three parts

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Beautiful place and beautiful photos! Visit my post, a nice tourist place in Venezuela and tell me what you think and vote! Greetings.

Excellent work, I see you do your best to make your posts, I say it because I am new to this, I will try to follow your steps. Greetings @hectorzs

good post..keep it up

Interesting nature is beautiful

gran posts excelente

One day see the island , thanks for the nice posting

Nice work keep up

So sweet moment, I like it.

So beautiful post,i like it very much,good work keep it up,

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