My family was just chilling at the living room when we heard "meow" from outside our house.
We opened the door and we were shocked to see a black and white cat "meowing" at our door.
This stray cat climbed all the way to 11th floor and was lucky that we allowed her to go in the house and drink some water.
This cat is forever sleeping! haha! <p> we didn't really name her, just called her "baby, meowmeow, sayang etc" basically she just respond to us if she wants to.. haha!! <p> she loves to do bird-watching! :p <p>She is such a clingy cat! she sleeps everywhere and anywhere.. haha! <p>she gets so protective of her territory until she chased away all the stray cats that happened to pass by my house too! such a fierce and loving kitty! she is with us since 2014! 4 years already, omg! :D
Awww such a gorgeous cat1 I am so happy that he found you :)
hehe ikr! now she has grown fatter! hahahah! such a clingy happy kitty :p <3
Tabby cats are thought to get their name from Attab, a district in Baghdad, now the capital of Iraq.
hehe i see! :D thank you for the info!
In Holland’s embassy in Moscow, Russia, the staff noticed that the two Siamese cats kept meowing and clawing at the walls of the building. Their owners finally investigated, thinking they would find mice. Instead, they discovered microphones hidden by Russian spies. The cats heard the microphones when they turned on.
Cats are very clever indeed!
When a cats rubs up against you, the cat is marking you with it's scent claiming ownership.
haha yups! im aware of that!
Cats that live together sometimes rub each others heads to show that they have no intention of fighting. Young cats do this more often, especially when they are excited.
Cute cat!!
hehe thanks!!! :D i agreee too! haha
I would invite you to join to my contest
It's a photo contest with theme : CATS & DOGS
I hope to see your photo
bye bye 😽
thank you for the invitation!