Asking The Right Questions.

in #life7 years ago


Do you know you can solve the world's most pressing needs and problems? Do you believe that is possible?

A friend of mine came back to tell me she couldn't date a guy she had crushed on for almost a year. I was shocked. I knew how much she talked about him. Especially how much she vowed to date him if he ever asked her out. They met, got talking, had dinner, then one morning she chatted me up and broke the news.

Her reason?

"This guy is half baked jor. All that packaging, can you believe this guy hasn't washed his boxers since God knows when. His underwear is brown and his armpit is smelly, brown and bushy."

Trust me, I quickly teased her about his pink lips, curly hair, six packs and good work that got her drooling in the first place.

With disappointment she replied, "He is not a total package, all the packaging na face value."

This is why most marriages/relationship fail. I didn't need to ask my friend if she was in bed with him, after just a week of friendship. Believe me, it doesn't take a year to truly know someone, but it is wrong not to try, else you'll start what you can't finish.

Appearance isn't reality. There is no adequate knowledge. You'll never know what's key to your life if you don't ask the right questions. Things aren't always the way they seem.

Businesses fail because regardless of adequate capital, the entrepreneur has inadequate knowledge about the scheme. People get lost because they have a good idea of their destination but not the route that leads there. Hearts are broken every day because people never bother about compatibility; they care more about irrelevancies like balling hard.

People fail examinations because they have beautiful textbooks but don't bother to know what is inside. A lot of things go wrong when you don't attempt to know, you'll never even understand.

Knowing isn't a general process. For different people it takes different process and periods of time.

You just have to be sure of the learning style that soothes you better. Gather adequate information and use it to your advantage. Failure only occurs in the absence of knowledge.

You'll never have the right answers if you don't ask necessary questions. If my friend had asked the right questions, maybe the guy would have made the attempt to be better. You can't change anybody, but somebody can change for you. You just have to try to know better, knowledge doesn't hurt, only gossip does.


Ignorance is a form of darkness that lasts for as long as Knowledge doesn't exist. Knowledge is light, and questions are the path to that light.

This is everything! Wow! Totally love this. Amazing...please stop me before i used another word nailed it...totally spot on...det...pauses let me come and be going...

Sometimes the challenge is knowing the right questions to ask. To get to that stage, once has to get to know ourselves first.

Knowing the right questions might not be right in all situation but asking a question might bail an unforseen situation.

Questions and not answers create knowledge

Appearance isn't reality. There is no adequate knowledge. You'll never know what's key to your life if you don't ask the right questions. Things aren't always the way they seem.

True talk!

Oh year, with better understanding of the fact that we can't change anybody, we tend to be less judgemental about what goes around in other people's life.

good job.tnx for shearing

With the right question, half the job is done. To many at times our limit in knowledge is as a result of our inability to ask the right questions or better still just ask questions questions.

Even the greatest inventions were born out of questions, which gave birth to answers

what, where, how, when, why

This is actually true, you can't see clearly until you get closer and ask the right questions.

Endorsed by the members of the Greensville Foundation. Most times you may even get your answers if you observe close enough.
Nice piece.

I should observe more closely; maybe I’ll find answers to that one question you’ve been running away from lol.

I never run from questions... But I run.. for my health. It's good to keep fit :)

I don't think I want to even be friends with someone who doesn't change his boxers lol...

Haha! 😄😄😄

This calls for adequate preparation in every sphere of our life.
And proper inquisitivity of knowledge, if I may add.
Nice post.

your friend was too quick to conclusion and got what she was looking for...Lols
As a popular yoruba quote goes..

someone who asks, never gets lost

sorry ave forgotten the youruba sentence

Lol. How dare you forget? Oduduwa is shaking his head for you right now. Smh

He who ask a question a fool for five seconds but he who never ask question is a fool for ever. Successful people ask better questions and as a result of better answers. Successful people ask better questions and as a result of better answers.

I have a question? What if you try so much to know better about a person but the person in question doesn't want that. What if (s)he is keeping away important details from you? How then do you go about that?
Remember, you can't force anything out of anybody. You only know what they want you to know.

Your last statement

you can't force anything out of anybody, you only know what they want you to know.

Since the only way to know more about people is for them to tell you, you can make them want to tell you more about what they want you to know. Everybody will talk when they think they have someone who deserves to know. You can make them know you deserve to know more about them.

Asking the right question here too might be for her to ask herself, what do I really want?