One of my Fondest Childhood Memories

in #life8 years ago

Growing up in the suburbs of Long Island New York was a dream come-true for a child who loves to be outside and experience the beauty life has to offer. I was a pretty active child, always playing outside whether it was with my best friend who lived across the street, or by myself getting lost in daydreams as I climbed trees and played in my mother's vast garden.

So many kids these days miss out on memories like mine due to the rise in electronics. Kids would rather come home from school and stay glued to their ipads and tv rather than get outside and expand their minds. It makes me sad knowing kids are becoming less and less active as time progresses, and it makes me fear for the future.
I wonder what the long term effects are of excessive electronics use, especially in children.

Let me know what you all think :)



I agree. We are all products of our environments and even though they can't help it in a way, it's sad to see the health of this generation deteriorate as a result as well. I have to check myself sometimes on the amount of time I spend on a screen. Being on this platform doesn't help either. lol

Great post. Think I'll have to follow ya ;)

Thanks for the support :) I followed back!

Ahh back to more simpler times. :) Great post. Reminded me of my childhood growing up! Unfortunelty it is true that less and less kids are being active outside. Don't really know the long term effects but all we can do is encourage them to be more active and live a more healthy and positive lifestyle.

This is what the kids are seeing. Pretty things on their devices.
Actually we are too now. Lucky for me, I am able to find pretty things without having to go to far, and not spend lot of time finding the beauty of nature.