Cali-girl --- all my respect and big hug for you. OK now what? You are awesome to admit or be self-aware...that is a big step. I see so much darkness "influencers" in this world...quite frankly I think this is by design. Any way...what can you do...start do think of a plan in each area. For cryptos as an example there are great simple talks on you tube and more. I can list 5 of them -- but you have to ask --- it has to be something you want. You have a gift that will come in it's own way -- don' t put pressure on yourself. Have a few goals and be honest. Take inventory of your life and say "this is what I want" -- how to get there. We each go through life and have our shares of ups and downs -- everyone. We are here for you.
Thank you, @floridanow! Just what I needed to read. I have been putting pressure on myself to find my gift for years and that's probably the very reason I haven't found it yet. And yes, I'd love for you to list the 5 crypto talks for me -- just make sure they're so simple even a 10 year old could understand.
You are most welcome -- and this case we need to thank you tube -- because of the chronology of recording s....soon steemit will do -- but for now. When I first learned of Bitcoin -- it was from Andreas Antonopolous -- look at his channel...look at his early leactures --- he is extremely knowledgeable but dumbs it down. 2)) Dollar Vigelante (Jeff Berwick) is great in his "view" of what Bitcoin is vs the global govt.-- he has recommended it since it was $10. #3) Bix Weir --- again many many you tubes --- very good on Bitcoin/Ethereum and Silver /Gold --- he says all you need is ETH and BTC -- hold it and forget it. Let's go with these 3 folks for now --- Andreas is the most techie (but a great speaker)...Jeff will give you anarchist views -- but this is where we are. Bix is tapped into many people and speaks in plain English. I owe you two more.....always here for YOU
I'm sure those 3 will keep me busy for a while. I've been investing in silver and gold for a long time, so I'm more familiar with how those work. Thanks again for your kindness and willingness to share your knowledge!!
you are more than welcome....there is a great deal of content with those three. If you are in silver and gold already, then you are miles ahead. At some point we will see which direction things will turn for our next currency and what it means for both cryptos and precious metals. They have been rigging silver/gold for so a matter of time. I will be curious of your thoughts after you digest a video or two....always here for you....take care.