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RE: Confluence #4

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Wow this post is so long, they could turn it into a movie, I wonder who would make a good narator? The narator would at least need to speak with a constant sarcastic undertone since the person in the story is kinda weird but funny (liam neeson maybe?).
I liked it it was kinda serious but so funny at the same time and that is a hard thing to do!
I did not reast the first three but I am going to next, I hope I didn't ruin it by reading in wrong order.


It is a bit long ain't it. I was like why man, why can't you chop it in half. There's no shame in it!! But then when I do a short post I feel better :0)

Hehe, and yeah, is a bit mad, who knows who could voice over that!

I could give it a shot. Most of what I say does come out sounding just a tad bit insane, after all. Though I really have no idea why that would be.

Hmm, maybe I'll make a recording, I might even send it to you later if it sounds half-way functional dysfunctional.

REcordings are awesome. It is the mark of a true madman genius to record themselves and submit it to others!

There is a fine line between madness and genius. I crossed it long ago.

Me too, oh yes indeed, me too