Indeed, when I grew indoor I used the full line from Advantage and got massive yields, very potent and with their flush/rinse used properly you would barely cough from huge puffs nor would there be any 'burning' sensation when I chewed nugs like bubble gum... as there is when a plant hasn't been flushed properly.
99% of what I smoke/eat is indoor, most outdoor from the Island I live on is great but rarely is the quality of the good indoor. As @thecleangame stated finding the strains that work for you is huge. Just like finding the perfectly lit places gets you better outdoor so will replacing your bulbs after a couple cycles , as well as proper watering and foliage sprays.
If organic is important to you Cheers to ya, but not really a concern of mine... lol heck I'm waiting for lab grown beef from memphis meats to be in stores
I'm glad you have had the opportunity to grow cannabis, sounds like you did a great job. :) You may be interested in the preview to my book I posted to my steemit blog. (check the link in my signature in the previous post)
Everyone should experience truly clean cannabis. Simply amazing. :D
Growing was very therapeutic for me, just not worth it for me the way our laws are here in Canada right now. As a teen my mom thought it would be a good idea for me to tell my doctor that I was smoking pot when I was 12 years old and ever since it is stuck to my medical history and they will not give me a medical license because of it (for now)
Just like food grown in your own garden tastes a little better than food you buy, it seemed even more so for herb ;)
Cheers man, I'll follow you for sure