25 Life Lessons For My Children

in #life7 years ago


My child, growing up in today’s world is going to be hard, at times, but those moments are necessary.

In case I forget to impart any of these lessons to you in your lifetime, please remember these 25 things:

  1. You are special. You are so special and uniquely created to do something wonderful and meaningful in your lifetime. However, so is everyone else. We all have a purpose. Use your talents and gifts to contribute to the world. Everyone’s collective gifts and talents are what makes this life beautiful.

  2. Your gifts are not about you. They are called gifts because they are meant to be given away. Give away the things that you are naturally good at and you will end up receiving way more from them than you could ever give out.

  3. Be a doer. Do things. Take action. Step outside of your comfort zone. Meet new people. Travel new places. Through these actions, you will discover your life’s purpose, become a person of impact, and leave a legacy. Move forward towards a light that you cannot yet see, and through your actions, you will turn on the light and illuminate yourself.

  4. Don’t chase someone else’s dreams. If you only knew the plan that God has in store for you, you wouldn’t want to live anyone else’s life.

  5. Read books. I know tv and video games are fun, but don’t get so consumed in them that you miss out on important relationships, lessons, or opportunities. Books and words will feed and grow your soul.

  6. Learn from the best. There have been many teachers from many lifetimes before you. Study them. Learn from them. They have likely shared how they came to be. Use what you can from their experiences to shape your own.

  7. Learn from the teachers that are already in your life: your parents, grandparents, neighbors, friends, and those with experiences different than your own. Ask about their stories and actually want to know the answers.

  8. Work hard. Make sacrifices for the greater good. Earn respect.

  9. You are the hero. Don’t let anyone tell you that they are going to fix you or make you better. Only you can do that. Select guides that will be helpful in your journey and not take it over.

  10. Be different. Really, it’s ok. Great things came from those who dared to dream impossible dreams and be different than those around them.

  11. You may have weaknesses and imperfections, but don’t focus on them for too long. Acknowledge them, and work on the ones you can affect, but then move on. You have better things to do with your time.

  12. Be more scared NOT to try, than to try.

  13. Learn how to live without debt and you will be able to manage your life’s purpose from an earlier age.

  14. Practice success with the small things. God is preparing something bigger for you, but you must first be successful with the smaller things he has already trusted you with.

  15. Practice confidence. Fake it until you make it. You will not always be ‘ready’ to do the big things. Confidence will be the reward after you do them.

  16. Mind your words. Words become thoughts and thoughts become things. Choose them wisely.

  17. Find good friends. Keep them by being a good friend. Be the person who you would want to hang out with.

  18. Fall in love often, but choose your spouse carefully. Do you actually know them, not just love them? Do your priorities line up? Will they make a good parent to your children? Will they support you and your causes? This will be a big factor in your overall happiness.

  19. Without the bad, you wouldn’t know how good the good really feels.

  20. Learn from the bad times. If you had a relationship that ended, why did it end? What did it teach you? Have you grown from that relationship? What do you want or not want in a future one? Have a bad boss? What traits do you realize you do not want to have? How will you treat employees one day? Struggle with a major life moment? What did you get out of it, and how has it impacted you for the better?

  21. Don’t let yourself be stuck, in a job, relationship, or otherwise, that is no longer serving you. You have free will. If you are unhappy with some part of your life, fix it or change it, but don’t stay stuck. Staying says more about you than it does about the thing. You are not stuck, you just need to make effort to resolve it.

  22. Pay attention to the cues that God is giving you. When life isn’t going exactly how you want, God is telling you that he has something better in store for you. He is ready to make a change in your life, you just have to listen and follow.

  23. You have angels and guardians looking after you trying to keep you on your path, however, don’t make them do all the work.

  24. Pray often. When you are unsure, angry, confused, making a change, or just thankful, pray and talk to God. He’s there and is ready to be helpful in your life.

  25. Life is beautiful. Stop every once in a while and take it all in.


Love it! I look forward to reading future posts :)