Exactly! My 3 are 7,5,2. I think the messes just get bigger! One thing I have been trying to avoid are toys that have millions of pieces that go with it.
I was trying to give examples of what, but as I am thinking about it, I failed that mission lol. Like doll houses with a gazillion furniture, the little kitchen with all the food and cookware, and the big one LEGOS! Watch your feet! Ya my kids have all those lol.
I think I heard that rumor of one day not cleaning anymore. That would be like our chances of winning the lottery! LOL Or when we are old and someone is taking care of us. :O Then it can be our turn to make messes for them to clean up. LIFE GOALS! haha
Children bring out the best and the worse in us. We learn more about ourselves when we have them. They are so beautiful they break my heart and make it whole again. I am right with you, wouldn't change a thing. Just work to better times :D