8 Easy Ways to Defeat Stress

in #life7 years ago

Instead of learning to control the symptoms of stress, we must learn to strengthen our psychological stability. Everyone can do it.
For 30 years, American scientists have been conducting research. As a result, it was revealed that among people who believed in harm to stress - there was a high mortality rate. But those people who did not believe in harm to stress - mortality was much lower.

So what is psychological stability? This is a person's response to anxiety, as well as the methods that we use to deal with stress. But they are not born with it. It is a constant choice, a way of thinking that is quite achievable for each of us. Here are 8 tips to help you develop your psychological sustainability.
1. Give up black and white thinking

Do not just divide everything into black and white. This type of thinking by extreme categories - everything or nothing - is formed in our childhood. Try to abandon it in favor of more adult "gray" thinking. It will help you to look for ways out of the current situation and not feel depressed.
2. Perceive stress as a positive experience

Studies show that the belief that stress damages health negatively affects our ability to cope with this condition. Of course, people with high psychological stability also experience signs of stress: palpitations, sweating. But they understand: this only indicates that they care about the outcome of the situation.
3. Resign yourself to the fact that you can not control everything

Trying to predict and plan for something that you can not influence, you spend a lot of energy. In the end, it only tires you and gives you uncertainty. Recognition that we can control only ourselves, is the right step towards freedom from stress.
4. Do not get hung up on the past

"Why did this happen to me?" - we often ask ourselves. Do not get hung up on such negative thoughts. Do not let yourself get bogged down in the past. It is better to think about what you would like from the future. Imagine how to achieve the desired result.
5. Communicate

When we are stressed, we usually want to isolate ourselves from others, to remain alone with our problems. Should not be doing that. Do not avoid contact with people, offer your help and do not be afraid to ask for help from others.
6. Benefit from your failures

Thomas Edison said that in his attempts to invent an electric light bulb, he never failed, but simply discovered a thousand ways that do not work. Perceive your failures as an opportunity to learn something new and fix the flaws.
7. Do not blame yourself

Life is unpredictable. Do not forget that all the failures are only temporary, and in any case do not think that you are worse than others.
8. Remember that you have a choice

The choice is always there. The main thing, look for an exit from any situation and do not lose control. Remember: only you can change your way of thinking.
I will not tire of repeating - be happy my friends, look to the future with a positive and then no stress can cause you harm.


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Nice post Sir..
Keep on Steem..
Good..You say Right..@frank1in

you can beat stress also by relaxation techniques :)


Post was Informative :D :)

A great article. Thank you.