Media is causing Racism

in #life9 years ago


I am a mixed race person: east asian, latino and white mixture, several of my ancestors have had interracial marriages and I have grown up in a white dominated city. I have never experienced racism that I consciously remember in my life, in fact I haven't even been aware of it's existence since I started watching news and be more aware of social events at the age of 26, I am now 29.


I have medium dark skin which obviously makes me stand out in the area I grew up, yet I have never been discriminated based on that. You could perhaps say that I was but I am just not aware of it, which could be, but if I don't remember it, it was really not that big of a deal.

I had many good friends in high school, had girlfriends, we enjoyed a lot of good time together. I was a little bit bullied at age 10-12 when I was in a different school, but had nothing to do with my skin color, it was something else. So I pretty much lived all my life free of racism, despite living in a zone where I was pretty outstanding, yet when I turn on the television and look at the news I see them constantly talking about racism... Pretty contradictory isn't it?

The Media:

I am an anarchist, so I have figured out all the immoral things that happen in the world, and the media is literally the propaganda mouthpiece of the ruling class. The media creates racism! Let me emphasize:

The media creates racism!

Racism is pretty much inexistent in my opinion, aside from small bullying which is still bad, but nothing close to what is going on in the USA. It happens because the media stirs different races up.

The media is pretty evil, and they work for the control freaks, who enjoy chaos, because it profits them. They want to introduce fear, so that everyone will go to daddy government for protection.

And so the police state and tyrrany is fueled.

In the absence of this chaos creation, people are usually peaceful and friendly to eachother, it's the rulers that want to control us by dividing us and create this racism abomination, fueled by constant 24/7 coverage of such.

The media talks all day about racism, which gives rise to it, the more you talk about it, the more it happens. So the only way to stop this is to change the media.

Alternative media is already growing, and hopefully with steemit, we can highlight these issues and stop the abusive powers of the ruling class.


Absolutely right ! some politicians and rich people with destructive mindset is using media for their favor.


Hey @freddy008 this person @nameless just called Obama a piece of shit in another post, not sure if they or on the same page with you. Just saying.