Its true, i tend to be kinda blunt, but its just me being straight forward.
Lots of nationalists in the world, for sure.
I guess now its private crapitalism there rather than state crapitalism?
The state has the private business in a chokehold so I wouldn't say that we have private capitalism here.
I guess that is true in the united snakes, too.
We are slaves of those that rule by force.
Do the skools there prepare you to work, or are they a waste of time, too?
A complete waste of time. I regret every minute of my higher education.
Its the same here.
12 years of skool and they can barely read, 4 more years of college and they still cant do anything but follow directions, maybe, and they have to go through more training for any job they get.
Then they pay student loans for 20 or 30 years and have to live at home with mom and/or dad.
Its horrible what those in control have done to the world.
Yeah. At least we don't have student loans but our free education and the scholarships fool them into thinking that it's worth it. That's what happened to me in my second year at the university I wanted to put studies aside and get a job but then Yulia Tymoshenko increased the scholarship from 150 hryvnyas to 500. So I decided to concentrate on school. I was an idiot.
They paid you to go to skool?
Yes. There's a passing grade to get a scholarship. If you get it, the state pays you to go to school as long as you have good grades. If you don't get it, you have to pay for tuition or pick a major with a lower passing grade.