Income tax is pointless. Call me communist but I really believe that society can be built on taxless foundations. It's a huge theory of social economy, but there are some examples in history how society worked without taxes. Nowadays capitalist foundations simply survive due to taxation. How can one economical system survive on that when thousands of people are going to debt slavery every day and is not trying to boost it's production capacities. Sorry, english is not my native language. I have wrote on this during my seminars in my native language. Especially on the subject: Third World Economy and why is it going to surpass Western countries in next 50 to 100 years.Thanks for this great article.
I think we owe it to ourselves and prosperity to look at all possible economic models. History is a great teacher.
One thing that I think is recognized, is that the United States was initially small in size and number of people, yet rose very quickly to become a financial, technological, entertainment, agricultural, and industrial powerhouse in just a few hundred years. That is amazing and largely due to free trade and freedom of individuals to choose their calling. It also creates a great disparity between economic classes and promotes monopolies that can further take advantage of customers. Every system has pro/con's. The key is to find the best that meets the communities expectations.