Only a small minority of dropouts are successful. What kind of person encourages kids to dropout of school?
Sorry to disrupt the circle jerk but school does have some value. You get to experience a whole lot of different things and learn some invaluable life lessons along the way. Oh yeah, it also gives you a diploma. You know that thing that 99% of employers require for you to even get an interview, yet alone a job. I went to school so I could get a well paying job and strong foundation for my career. Were there some stupid classes and things I disagreed with? Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna say fuck the system and throw my life away on principle. Majority of people will not make it without a diploma, research figures overwhelming confirm this fact.
Only a minority of public education adherents are successful. How about you like public school you pay for it. Don't make the rest of us slaves to a family who dumps their procreation on society for a 12 year ride through dumbed down propaganda as well as substandard math and science classes. If Western schools were globally standardized the number of students graduating from public schools would significantly decline reducing class sizes and making the educational quality higher. This is clearly not consistent with the objective of mass indoctrination.
I humbly suggest you're missing the point. The point is not to get on a hamster wheel. A young person doesn't want to follow the path of the herd. They should not pile on debt, get a career they are forced to do to pay the bills, and die miserable. Yes, that's what employers and the government wants people to do, but it is not in the best interests of the individual.
Unless you have a STEM degree, it is mostly worthless today. Research confirms that as fact as well.
P.S. Employers look for TALENT, not degrees. As has been explained by Jeff numerous times before, actual talent is what's important.